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Subject: VMT Plugin
This Decal plugin has multiple features to automate some repetative tasks in Asheron's Call.

Some helpful task automations include:

Keeps track of all of your items so you can mark them for "Sell" (default) or "Keep".
Automated Corpse Looting based on a burden to value ratio, object types, and by object names.
Automated Object Sales at vendors. (Adds items not marked as "Keep" to the sell tab of the vendor, which you then have to manually click the sell button.)
Automated purchase of MMD notes based on the amount of pyreals in your inventory.

Some other features in the plugin, including a Monster list and HUD, and a Corpse list and HUD are described in the Documentation section of the website.

The current version of Verrigan's Multi-Tool (VMT) is, and can only be downloaded from my website, located at



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Subject: VMT Plugin

Posted this in the last thread that dissappeared.

I havnt actually dl'd and run this yet, but from reading I dont think this is in there. I wonder if you can restrict the sell feature to just items in your mainpack? That way you can keep stuff like DI's stocked up in your sidepacks without needing to mark them as keep every time they change.


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Subject: VMT Plugin
I could put an option for 'Only sell items in main pack'.

Or I could have it automatically mark items as "Keep" when you move them to a sub-pack.

I'll let you decide. Let me know, but I may not be able to make the change until this weekend. happy


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Subject: VMT Plugin
Hmm, I like both ideas happy .

Probably I'd prefer an 'only sell from main-pack' option. Not sure how the plugin works, but when you do loot your corpse, if those items which were marked as keep before are still considered such, but you put new ones into your sidepack in the meantime, then you'd not sell the stuff in the sidepacks but also not sell the stuff in your mainpack that you now no longer need.

In the end, I'd say whichever is easier for you to do wink .


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Subject: VMT Plugin
I agree, I like both the options you offered (main pack only .. keep if moved to a sub-pack) .. as possible separate options. thinking

Suggestion: The list can be long at times .. A "Keep All" button would really help. praying

Another suggestion: Change the font color of the "Sell" items to yellow so they stand out. (My eyes are getting old.. nerd )

Excellent plugin that is very much needed. Thanks! applause


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Subject: VMT Plugin
Good suggestion on the color change. I'll incorporate that in the next release.

I think I'm going to go with the 'Only Sell From Main Pack' option.

As for the "Keep All" button.. It exists as a command-line function. Try: /vmt keepall

Also coming soon is an option to not display some VMT messages.


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Subject: VMT Plugin
"/vmt keepall" .. You just made my day!! dancing



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Subject: VMT Plugin
VMT has been uploaded.

Added Window Movement HUD.
Added option to only sell objects from main pack.


BTW, please post any bugs you find! happy

Suggestions are always nice, too!

Also, the Schema.xml file contains the layout for the VMT window. This is completely customizeable, except the title.. (Might cause an error if it doesn't say Verrigan's Multi-Tool...) But feel free to make any suggestions to the layout of the plugin as well.. And if you've modified your layout, share it with us! happy


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Subject: VMT Plugin


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Subject: VMT Plugin
I'll give it a try.

I think I'll enjoy the buying of scrolls feature. happy


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Subject: VMT Plugin
Any chance you'd be willing to add a death item calculator to this plugin? Since you're already monitoring the values of all the items would just have to add another tab to sort all the items based on value and category, then if multiple items are in a category have the highest value item be the highest value and all others have their value halved. Level/10 + 0-2 is the amount of items you drop, maxxed after 126 with a number of items being 12-14. Would love to see something like this! happy


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Subject: VMT Plugin
Sounds like a good idea.. Should I put possible death items in a different color, or make a separate list... Like DI next to pack 8?


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Subject: VMT Plugin
I was thinking just a list of all items that will drop in which order, just based on value. Only real difficult part is coding the different categories for items then assigning the highest value item at full value then all the rest at half value, then just listing them in order of value. Then having the ability to choose items that you want to keep an eye on and have information as to how likely it is to drop or how many more DIs you need to cover it or in how many deaths you will be out of items to cover it.


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Subject: VMT Plugin
I'll see what I can come up with.. But it's going to require a little research, so may take some time.

Would you be willing to beta test this feature once I get something working?


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Subject: VMT Plugin
Absolutely, I die often enough too so I can fill you in on its accuracy

Also thought I might add another suggestion: The ability to only show monsters that you want it to find rather than all monsters in the area. I like your plugin since it's much more low key than other detect plugins, and usually I just wanted to find depraved/degenerate shadows or another specific mob.


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