Author Topic: Loot + UST Plugins?
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Subject: Loot + UST Plugins?
Hi all,

I left AC in 2005, but just loaded it up again last night. Unfortunately my old accounts were still around (I kinda hoped I'd be forced to reroll happy ) I'm trying to get Decal to do all the things it used to do, but plugins like BS/2 seem to be dead...

"Find It!" seems to do what I want: as far as flagging items of interest, and providing a button to loot-all-matching-items from a corpse. But what I'd also like is a plugin that will UST items into salvage, with rules. i.e. "Make bags of steel quality 1-6,7,8,9,10) etc. I know I could do this in 2005 - there must be a similar plugin now. Find It does show an UST tab listing "salvage"-type items... but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make it use the UST based on that list. I tried to assign a hotkey in DHS, but all I can get it to do is to switch to the UST (but not move in any of the salvage items based on quality rules)


Thank you very much!


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Subject: Loot + UST Plugins?


Gali Nala grin ¤ Izz The Forgotten grin ¤ Lil' Marie grin

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Subject: Loot + UST Plugins?
For Find IT:

Go to the Config/Treasure tab where the list of materials you want to pick up is. Click on Iron and fill in a 10 character UST string. Then press the ummm. Update? button...(maybe it's called save?)

Each position in the string is a salvage workmanship (i.e. the first character if for WS 1, second for WS2, last for WS10).

In each position, put a number, positions with the same number get combined together. For instance:

1111112233 - Combines ws 1-6 in one bag, 7-8 in another, 9-10 in another

1111111111 - Combines all ws into a single bag

1234554321 - Combines 1 and 10 into a bag, 2 and 9 in a bag, 3 and 8 in a bag, 4 and 7 in a bag, 5 and 6 in a bag.

Cut and paste the string into each salvage material you want to use the same combination rules.


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