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Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 12,759 User ID: 33,011
Subject:OT: Mouse problems while in AC
While this is not a Decal related problem, I think the peeps that visit here may be best suited to help out:
For some reason, my mouse's thumbutton (which I HAD mapped for the backspace, which in AC selects closest critter), does not work. My left and right keys does work correctly, just not the thumb button.
I have reloaded my mouse drivers numerous times, made sure it is working OUTSIDE of AC, went into the keyboard mapping for AC, made sure that the select closest monstor is mapped to the backspace key.
Any other suggestions?
The more people I meet, the more I like my cat Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master Retired-David the UA Bear-Lvl 250-Queen Slayer Retired- Lvl 275-David the Mage Bear-David's Rare Bear Lvl 275/Died 887 Last Mage Death Coun
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 1,102 User ID: 835,114
Subject:OT: Mouse problems while in AC
Well first, if your mouse is behaving abnormally you need to get him checked out by a vet. A thorough examination is in order. That may turn up something, but personally I'd guess that it's more a stress-related emotional problem. I see from your signature that you have a cat in the family. My guess is that living in a house with a cat is inducing a significant amount of fear in your mouse, which is stressing him out to the point where he can't do his job properly. You can test this by having a friend who doesn't have a cat take the mouse home for a week or so and see if the problem clears up. If it does, then you have your answer. You may find that you have to get a more courageous mouse unless you're willing to quarantine the cat away from the area that the mouse lives in.
Anyway, good luck.
AC - Jothony of Eastham, Chen Jo, Jothany Vanguard - Jikar All Retired