Author Topic: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
I'm at my wits end with these things. I Want to know if any1 has had similar experiences or any other general insight into my problems..

I have a 2.75 ghz system with 2 gb of ram. and play on a good cable connection. should be plenty of power for ac, yet i get all kinds of issues in certain spots most noticeably the marketplace. if i try to stay there for any decent pereiod of time i crash.. sometimes it's a fatal bluescreen error that requires a restart.. At best its choppy whenever turn and the enviroment has to rotate..

I had an ATi radion hd 200 where this occured sporadicly, so i thought i'd upgrade to a better 1, and bought the ATI 2600 HT for around 250 bucks and its even worse! as any1 had any expereience with these cards positive or negative? or can think of any other obvious reason i may be overlooking as to why this is happening?

Much appreciated thanks in advance for any advice, I'm about to pull my hair out over this plain

OH p.s., this happens with or without decal running
And i have already tried completely un/re-installing ac.. nothing has helped. Next step is packign cared back up, taking it back, and paying a 30% restocking fee (F@#$%!) and going with a voodoo card and praying to god it doesnt somehow happen with that 2.....


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
I had an ATI Radeon (9800 Pro to be precise), and had no end of problems with it, blue screen crashes, etc.

It mercifully blew up a few months ago, and I replaced it with an Nvidia GeForce. No problems since. It's the second ATI card I've had, the other was just as bad. I'm sure as heck not going near an ATI card again.


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
are you overclocking that pc? sounds like your system is a lil unstable, blue screens normally mean unstable, system specs?

also do you know the temperatures the cpu and gfx are running at?


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
I also had a 9800 ATI and it would crash to, the errors that I was getting had to do with drivers and ATI didn't have a fix. I'm now running an ATI 200 card on a back up computer only because that's the card that came with it. And the same errors with the drivers come up from time to time, but I expect it with the 200 card because it's small.


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
my experience is ati cards and AC is like drinking and driving thru the police parking lot.

ATI's may be a great card, but i've had no lucky with them and AC. So all my computers now support NVida cards.


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
Wow... Y'all have some bizarre experiences, imo.

I have a 9800pro in my wife's computer which plays AC with no problems whatsoever - at 1600x1200, no less.

I have an x850xtpe in my computer which also plays AC with no problems at 1600x1200.

Granted, both are on the AGP bus, as we can't afford to upgrade from our old AthlonXPs just yet, but still...

Both systems: AthlonXP3200+
My computer: 2gb PC3200 Corsair
Her computer: 1gb pc3200 Corsair



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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
I run ATI on about half my machines and NVidia on about half.

Personally I prefer the ATI cards, I keep the drivers up to date for both and really have not had many issues with either brand. My ATI preference is historical more than anything else.


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
ATI X1300 Pro (256mb) on a Pentium Dual Core 2 and no issues!

Even worse is that it has ran on MS Vista with not an issue!


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
i dont think it sounds like the card.. blue screen is sign of unstability, have you upgraded memory or changed any settings in bios? also power supplies going bad or not strong enough can cause some crazy things to happen, so can loose/bad connections

but blue screen normally means unstable cpu and/or memory setting


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
blue screens also can mean hardware failure, or driver incompatibility.


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
Ati Sapphire Radeon 9600 in a P4 2.4 1.5gb ram

and a Ati Radeon 9200 in a AMD 1.0 1.0gb ram

Both Cards Run @ 1024x768 No Problems


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
1900xbx and zeero problems.

Sounds like drivers are out of date.

Could also be you version of Net framework.

Did you go to Ati/AMD and register your card?

They have a pretty quick response time on questions.


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
Ran an ATI for 2 yrs on this machine, no problems at all.

Only reason I switched to Nvidia is because none of the higher end ATI cards would work with Bioshock.

Now I have been having some intermitent glitches with my panel open in AC while running the Nvidia card, updated drivers the works happy



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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
I run with an ATI Radeon 9550 without any issues.


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Subject: Any one play AC on an ATI radeon card?
I had ATI in my last machine, and had no problems at all.


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