Author Topic: AC+ questions
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Subject: AC+ questions
first thanks for this plug in I love it but have some questions

1. how do I delete profiles in the buff sleection area

2. is there any way to make the info bar less graphicly demanding I looses at least half my frame rate when running it

3. if I stop a buff session in the middle and switch chactors it wants to buff the the new chactor witht he remaining buffs

4. I needa pause buffs button so I can run around and buff when I can and when it is safe or even a stop buffing button

again I hop i am not nit pivcking but would just like these


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Subject: AC+ questions
1) Delete all the buffs on it. It won't save the profile at all if there's no buffs to save. At least it shouldn't.
2) It shouldn't do- I've never had that problem with it. The only thing I can think of is if the bit that tells you when your buffs are due is having to check through a LOT of buffs. Do you have a large amount of enchantments on you, such as spamming your pre-order gems a few hundred times or anything like that? I know I sometimes do that if I don't want these irritating paradox olthoi to drop my important buffs.
3) That's probably a bug I should look into. When you say 'stop', do you mean just log out?
4) There's hotkeys for that already. Check DHS.


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Subject: AC+ questions
see I am so glad I asked ...
1, thanks

2. the info bar does cause a pause about every 4to 5 seconds if I turn off it stops the pauses and when I have maintain buffs checked it also decreases frame rate I am running at least 9 plug ins so I know I am not going to have the best performance but as good of a job you did with this plug in I thought you might be able to make it work almost transparently..(I know wishfull thinking but I had to ask)

3. say I am doing the gring in EO or potb and off to the side buffing and half way through the buffing cycle my clan mates decide to run off and do a quest and I want to use a diffrent toon if I log off and log in my alt the buffing contuniues on the alt toon bug??? I would not know. but figured I need to say something

4. forgot about dhs!!!



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Subject: AC+ questions
Well, the info bar updates every 4-5 seconds, so it's definitely something to do with the amount of processing rather than a graphical issue. Because it does it with maintain buffs on as well, I'd say it's definitely something to do with the buffs. Is it just as slow if you're not buffed?


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Subject: AC+ questions
is there any way to shut down the main window display lines of

...... Lvl ....., Hxx/yy

on a melee it isn't too bad UNLESS it is a UA going like a bat out of **** and doing very little damage. Which happened last night,i was getting around 11 messages evry 10 seconds. NOW that is annoying.

equally annoying is while on a mage i'll get maybe a first message then NOTHING more, i have to examine the monster to get an update. OR if it does update on the mage without the examine key, it is a repeat of the intial

.... Lvl ......., Hmax/max



Ag Nar
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Subject: AC+ questions
AC+ doesn't generate those messages. However, it does ID a creature every time you hit it to update it's health, I suspect some other plugin is picking up on those IDs, and displaying those messages.


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Subject: AC+ questions
ok thanks, i'll have to look into alicno about the only other thing running.


Ag Nar
Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat
Mastering the pixels of gamedom, 1 MMORPG at a time..
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