Author Topic: Auto weapon switching after cast on strike - possible?
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Subject: Auto weapon switching after cast on strike - possible?
Hi to all the clever plugin developer types wink Don't know if this has been suggested yet or not but would it be possible to have a plugin that swaps to a specified weapon after a successful cast on strike from a runed weapon?? This isn't me being lazy honest! I'm kinda fed up of getting shafted by lag trying to swap weapons (using the shortcut keys) and it either atticking with a bare fist or it hasn't swapped the weapon at all. Good idea or bad??

If that could be done, you'd have my eternal gratitude wink



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Subject: Auto weapon switching after cast on strike - possible?
AC+ already has the ability to switch weapons, I'm planning on adding in debuff detection, and the ability to use a different weapon if the target is debuffed, and automatically switch when the target is debuffed, or a debuff wears off. It's also useful for switching to a different weapon after throwing a grenade.

Could be a while away yet though, I'm bogged down in uni work at the moment.


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Subject: Auto weapon switching after cast on strike - possible?
Coolio happy Thanks for the reply. Was tinkering with AC+ last night...very cool plugin. Specifically figuring out the self buffing aspect since BuffMe (and seem to have died sad

Thanks again.


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