Nov 18, '01
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Question: how many would use...
How many would use a tank plugin if it had a foolproof method of ensuring that it wasn't used for UCM?
Of those who would, would you be willing to switch away from LifeTank, or do you consider it 'good enough' already?
Virindi --- ****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc... Decal Core Dev -
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Jun 14, '01
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Question: how many would use...
Never have and never will use a tank like plugin.
Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer Kal'Aaron -MT- 183rd Level Deadeye Shadow of Logan -MT- 147th Level Combat Archer "I can't stand pain. It hurts me!" - Daffy Duck AC's Best Resource =>
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Question: how many would use...
The closest to a Tank program I would use is one that is 'one keypress kills one monster'. It can auto heal, auto restam, autoloot, autosalvage, spam filtering, HUD, etc. But things such as log-on-death, auto-fellowing, tell alarms seem to me personally to be handled easily by an attended toon; and they are rare enough events that automating them just doesn't seem like good sense to me. Pressing a kill key when no monster is in range would trigger a warning. 3 such key presses and the program would lock until a random key sequence was entered. Such a program would aggressively fight the use of other 3rd party plugins, only allowing those that exist on a white list of approved programs such Go Arrow, DHS, Quest Tracker or other non-combat related plugins.
Such a program does not exist ... yet ...
It is way too early in the process to start spreading rumors of a gleam in the eye called "Kill It!"
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Dec 10, '06
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Question: how many would use...
To be honest... I would like another Tank type plugin for the single purpose of going out with two toons on two different pcs and being able to auto heal/stam/mana the second toon.
For Example Toon 1: Lv 95 H/S/M/ Toon 2: 65 Attacking and grinding xp. All attended, and perfectly legit. A Tank type plugin just makes it easier to do.
That was what I was using Lifetank for until ACTools was considered a banned plugin by the developers, ACTools being more important to me I uninstalled Lifetank.
Guinevere du Avalon - Level 275 - Mage (War\MeleeD Spec)\2 Hour Buff Bot - TD ~* Explorer of Dereth *~ GoArrow Database Updates (Full): GoArrow Database Update Page:
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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
May 30, '07
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Question: how many would use...
AC Tool, best tool in ac
#dnn #og-ac Fastest 1-275 in AC history. Plugin Users: 100+ Buy Plugins Relogger, ValSalv, and AutoVendor(route trigger): [Trade] +Envoy Sparker says, "Rep check: Eps Levelin, PST."
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Question: how many would use...
I think a tank like plugin would be great for AC, It opens the doors of choice. Not everyone can program nor decide when you only have 1 choice on a plug and play type plugin. People want ease of use and tons of features. That's the bottom line.
dev bashing isnt allowed on this board. please read the sticky post on this board or poptarts thread concerning this matter. thanks!
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Nov 18, '01
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Question: how many would use...
Darktorizo, what I'm really looking for here is how many people there are that are like you as opposed to people who simply want to get a tank program so they can leave the PC on while they sleep. The latter seem to raise a lot of noise here, so I don't know how many of the former are still around.
Virindi --- ****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc... Decal Core Dev -
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Jul 11, '02
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Question: how many would use...
I'm smarter and faster than any of the tank programs.
Mind you every tank program has gotten me killed a couple times, because I am not a cookie cutter character. My needs are way different, so I play differently.
All of the yelling and whining is a few groups
Group A - ZOMG I can't stay logged in and get to level 275 without doing anything.
Group B - ZOMG How dare you make it so I can't macro to 275 like everyone else did.
Group C - ZOMG Decal is the devil and totally ruined the game
Group D - Would all of you quit beating that poor fing horse already, hes dead, flat and now a fine mist from all of this beating...
No matter the tool, someone will always find a way to corrupt it.
I'm just tired of people blaming the tool maker rather than the tool whos abusing it.
Its called personal responsibility.
Look into it, its something we seem to lack nowdays.
Blame the user, not the creator.
Besides I would rather see you tackle one of the utility plugins I posted looking for
wubbie - I used to run over 26 plugins and not one of them hunted for me...
WARLORD OF THINGS YOU CAN FOLD, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE 126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main STOP LAUGHING, I MAKE GIMPED LOOK HAWT! No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Dec 10, '06
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Question: how many would use...
wubbie - I used to run over 26 plugins and not one of them hunted for me...
Lol Sounds like my current Decal... 24 Plugins and no Tank Programs...
Guinevere du Avalon - Level 275 - Mage (War\MeleeD Spec)\2 Hour Buff Bot - TD ~* Explorer of Dereth *~ GoArrow Database Updates (Full): GoArrow Database Update Page:
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Question: how many would use...
On topic response: it would depend on features.
Afterall, LTx can already be used for ACM, and the recent furore was all about removing potential UCM features. If someone is already using LTx for ACM, there would need to be a compelling reason to change I'd think. Either in the form of doing what LTx currently does better (a prime example would be handling healing on a melee using speed attacks reliably), or a new/revamped feature (I've always thought adding BS/2 type loot profiling to a tank tool would be a big step foward).
Then it becomes a question for the developer(s), is all the effort to get what LTx currently has working worth it, just to add whatever improvements onto the end of it.
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Question: how many would use...
i liked all the features that el tank did and as far as im concerned it was the better tank. u could be an item only toon and use ulgrims stein for one for doing buffing armor and weps. it would also use rations to get back your stamina after u use the stein. something tht ltxi doesnt do or is to complicated for me to understand how to do. it also did a better job of keeping your fellos healed when u used it as a support mage. it was a more user friendly interface as compared to ltxi and that was a big plus. so ease of use, worked well with many differnt types of toons besides mage. ie bow, item only toon, etc. so yes if i had an option to use a different tank plugin i would definitely give it a try. also the salvage and major detection and pick up worked great to. auto salvaging would be good also as i do that alot.
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Question: how many would use...
Actually, this raises an interesting proposition. Perhaps one of the best ways the anti-UCM developers could combat UCMs is to create an absolutely butt-kicking ACM tool, thats so compelling that it becomes the mainstream combat tool.
Perhaps Gouru has already had similar thoughts...
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Nov 18, '01
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Question: how many would use...
>> Actually, this raises an interesting proposition. Perhaps one of the best ways the anti-UCM developers could combat UCMs is to create an absolutely butt-kicking ACM tool, thats so compelling that it becomes the mainstream combat tool.
That was pretty much line line of thought. However, it wouldn't work if everyone was satisfied enough with LTX that they never bothered to try the new one.
Virindi --- ****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc... Decal Core Dev -
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Apr 16, '04
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Question: how many would use...
if you build it we will try it
Circus Freak - Master of Staves, Jack of all Trades Foxxxx - pwnd by the hotkey! Git-R-Dun at Run Mule Run's!!!
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May 18, '01
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Question: how many would use...
"wubbie - I used to run over 26 plugins and not one of them hunted for me..."
too me trade bots were way worse than any UCM has ever been. while in your eyes its bad to gain xp while away from the keyboard. too me the ability to gain wealth while away from the keyboard is just as bad. since trade bots you pretty much have to run one or go broke if you want to bid on some item you want.
what makes automating one part of the game any different than another?? dont even get me started me on buff bots...
Public Enemy tells you, why do you debuff my war im an OG mage. WoW -> Griefers! - 70 undead mage - Griefnova - Spirestone server Topdawg - Real Gamer. - Griefer at heart. Brother Tempus - My True Hero.
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May 8, '01
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Question: how many would use...
I use LTx to acm, if my toon is in game, im behind the keys for the most part.
BUT I do like a few features of Eltank that Ltx doesnt have.
Archer combat being one of them. I would love to see either ltx or another tank type plug in that would do archery like El tank did..
for example..
3 types of mobs spawn in the area you are macroing. Each mob is set to a different damage type, Eltank would fletch the arrows for default damage, vuln ( if set to ) and then equip the arrows in the current bow.
yea this would make UCM alittle easier in afew differnet dungys, but its a feature that I miss dearly
would I use a new plug in? It would have to do something ( Like the above) that I really really like to stop using ltx.. cause it works ok in most areas.
Hi, I'm a poster with no social skills who spews constant insults. What server do I play on?Todd_Berkebile Shiba-X 242 bow. Mahdi 251 Mage William Marshall 170somethig Anita Heal tells you, "how r ya sweep pea" Anita Heal tells you, "u intercepting my
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Question: how many would use...
Also, having monopoly over something like a ACM plugin isn't exactly right. Still no choices... except to make your own.
Not a common thing.
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Feb 23, '00
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Question: how many would use...
LT is doing nothing to cause a monopoly, anyone is free to make a plugin that does what LT does. ONly barrier to entry is programming skill.
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Jul 2, '02
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Question: how many would use...
I would try it out VI. Go for it!
Tao Roo Chingon II, grief tank war mage Zathrus, Tao Roo, El Chingon, Will Robinson, Taopoke, Lil Tao, Tao the Mighty Monarch of "The Spirits of the Mountain" established May 21, 2001 on Thistledown "life is dessert first.."
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Question: how many would use...
"LT is doing nothing to cause a monopoly, anyone is free to make a plugin that does what LT does. ONly barrier to entry is programming skill.
Well, that and time .
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Question: how many would use...
"LT is doing nothing to cause a monopoly, anyone is free to make a plugin that does what LT does. ONly barrier to entry is programming skill.
Well, that and time .
And desire.
We will just have to wait. Good things come to those who wait.
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Feb 23, '00
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Question: how many would use...
If they got time to play AC I'm sure they could give up some of that time to build a plugin. How I learned to do plugins for Decal.
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