Author Topic: stupid question - mule trade it
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Dragon Wrangler

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Subject: stupid question - mule trade it
how does one buy something a bot has more then one on. its probly very easy but i feel i have tried everything. if someone can teach this newbie how to do it id appreciate it.

thanks! tika

ps is there a way that mule trade it can distiguish between full key rings and non full? they seem to have the same burden and i had a poor shopper that had to buy all my empty bm rings before it would allow her to buy the full.


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Subject: stupid question - mule trade it
Gold Shallows Shredder Fin: -1

Or something along those lines.


Edits are for spelling :^)
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Subject: stupid question - mule trade it
Yes, the number is the value of the item. If an item has value 0, you might have to use -1 instead.


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