Author Topic: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Posts: 2,658
Registered: Jul 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 2,650
User ID: 696,357
Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Ok to answer all of the questions...
Yes I am up to date, Yes I've disabled everything else, Yes an Export will follow, No this isn't about not reading to load the new recipe file.

Issue -
When producing Raw Noodles MakeIt! does not register their creation.
If I select the noodles and hit the stack key it then sees the noodles and lowers the counter.
I have edited the xml file myself, and even removed and reentered the recipe with the in-game editor.

I have a suspicion that Decal is not properly registering the creation message for raw noodles for some reason.

I have tried to get other users to try to replicate this problem, to see if it was just me, but not seen any response.

Thank you in advance for looking at this issue.

wubbie - plugin junkie

Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 0, Imp Inventory,, {006D1FA0-DDB5-42BC-9DAA-6D1DC696712E}
Plugins, 0, CraftBot, 1.0.2575.5, {2B88235C-D0A2-43CC-A19F-8AEACF610263}
Plugins, 0, Alinco,, {4338186E-7AE8-4B9E-985D-98D692036EA8}
Plugins, 0, Alinco Buffs,, {58A8364F-99D7-4FE5-BAE9-D0CBF0329055}
Plugins, 0, BotShopper,, {6367C4F9-0F6D-40F5-91E5-6826CBFCBE86}
Plugins, 1, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 1, Make It!,, {70DD2CC6-E638-4F43-9F15-C84A0FC7DC76}
Plugins, 1, Sort It!,, {70DDE3AE-5ADD-4003-9600-C2F6830D7670}
Plugins, 0, Reloader,, {75F00DC9-45F1-40DD-B286-FED762E91312}
Plugins, 0, MiniMap,, {92C09018-E815-4C22-987B-8E553154146E}
Plugins, 0, Mule Trade It!,, {9D762D6E-6444-485A-B242-C50386013763}
Plugins, 0, SkunkVision,, {B8B64AFD-3D96-490D-A70B-CE962227148A}
Plugins, 0, SSSort,, {B9765335-51EC-4C24-AE39-D6E1BA6AE4AD}
Plugins, 0, Fortune Hunter,, {C97181C4-0531-4D3B-BC7C-3390EBAECCC8}
Plugins, 0, Spellbar Saver,, {C9D83ECD-28C6-4D9D-B994-984DB26B5C2E}
Plugins, 0, Radar Add-on,, {CA23F8D7-7E71-423A-A928-BC5CDD8FBD96}
Plugins, 0, Khao Tipper,, {F1C2F898-3A88-48EA-8AB5-BAE55353025F}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, ACDC Core Filter,, {2DB1B641-4039-4D69-831A-79915EC266CE}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, Decal FileService,, {5E9B2FC3-C251-4589-8CE3-2BCA542B98B6}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Network Filters, 0, Alinco Filter,, {375A7C84-B4FD-49BB-B63D-15CCC004E979}
Services, 1, Decal .NET Lifetime Service,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0001-0000000DECA1}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Services, 1, Decal D3DService,, {F0CC07A0-2C89-4FA4-9356-714665BC2F8B}
Surrogates, 1, Decal.Adapter Surrogate,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0002-0000000DECA1}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, -1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

Decal Settings
: Timer (Default)
[Portal Path] : D:\Program Files\Turbine\Asheron's Call - Throne of Destiny\
[Launcher App] : ACDCClient.exe
[memlocs.xml] : 24536 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 53988 bytes, Version 2007.06.22.1
[Video Memory] : 256897024

D3DX Libraries (Only d3dx9_30 is required)
[d3dx9_24.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_25.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_26.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_27.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_28.dll] : Installed (9.10.455.0)
[d3dx9_29.dll] : Installed (9.11.519.0)
[d3dx9_30.dll] : Installed (9.12.589.0)

---Support Libraries ---
Note: The following libraries are not necessary for Decal to function and are only provided to be of use to plugin developers.

.NET Frameworks
[v1.0.3705] (1.0 Final) : Not Installed
[v1.1.4322] (1.1 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 1)
[v2.0.50215] (2.0 Beta 2) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50727] (2.0 Final) : Installed

C++ Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Not Installed
[mfc70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcr70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcp70.dll] : Not Installed
[atl71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[mfc71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[msvcr71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3052.4)
[msvcp71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.70.1113.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.20.9841.0)

---Video Device Information---
[Device] : NVIDIA GeForce 6600
[Device Name] : \\.\DISPLAY1
[KeyDeviceID] : Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0141&SUBSYS_0220196E&REV_A2
[KeyDeviceKey] : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{BDE6B571-E8C7-4230-A9E0-ABE501648E5E}\0000
[Manufacturer] : NVIDIA
[ChipType] : GeForce 6600
[DACType] : Integrated RAMDAC
[Revision] :
[MemoryLocalised] : 256.0 MB
[MemoryEnglish] : 256.0 MB
[DisplayLocalised] : 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayEnglish] : 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayWidth] : 1280
[DisplayHeight] : 1024
[DisplayBpp] : 32
[RefreshRate] : 60
[MonitorName] : Plug and Play Monitor
[MonitorMaxRes] : 1600,1200
[DriverName] : nv4_disp.dll
[DriverVersion] : 6.14.0010.9371
[DriverAttributes] : Final Retail
[DriverLangEnglish] : English
[DriverLangLocal] : English
[DriverDateEng] : 10/22/2006 13:22:00
[DriverDateLocal] : 10/22/2006 13:22:00
[DriverSize] : 4527488
[MiniVdd] : nv4_mini.sys
[MiniVddDateEng] : 10/22/2006 13:22:00
[MiniVddDateLocal] : 10/22/2006 13:22:00
[MiniVddSize] : 3994624
[Vdd] : n/a
[RenderWindow] : Yes
: No
[Debug] : No
[Signed] : No
[SignValid] : No
: {D7B71E3E-4201-11CF-455E-2A2203C2CB35}
[DDIVer] : 9
[DDIVerEng] : 9 (or higher)
[DDIVerLocal] : 9 (or higher)
: 0
[VendorID] : 0x10DE
[DeviceID] : 0x0141
[SubSystemID] : 0x0220196E
[RevisionID] : 0x00A2
[WHQL Level] : 0
[NoHardware] : 0
[DDAccelEnabled] : Yes
[3DAccelExists] : Yes
[3DAccelEnabled] : Yes
[AGP Enabled] : Yes
[AGPExists] : Yes
[AGPExistsValid] : Yes


126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main
No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too
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Registered: Jul 11, '02
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User ID: 696,357
Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
le bump?


126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main
No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too
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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Your best bet to get a hold of Gouru is to go to the AC Dev Forums and post there...
AC Dev Forums


Flandango of FF
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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
I sure wish he would turn this source over.
It has been ages since any enhancements nerd were made.


Killing Farmers since 1999!
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User ID: 696,357
Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
welp posted it over on Dev board... fingers crossed...
in the grand scheme of things, its a minor problem... but if what I think the problem is is the problem it coudl be bigger...

Why would anyone need the source?
Its up to date and works fine
its easy to add new recipies as you find them.


126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main
No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too
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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
welp posted it over on Dev board... fingers crossed...
in the grand scheme of things, its a minor problem... but if what I think the problem is is the problem it coudl be bigger...

Why would anyone need the source?
Its up to date and works fine
its easy to add new recipies as you find them.

I'll need to try to duplicate it at my end. Is this using one of the recipes in the files I release, or your own? Which recipe exactly is it failing on.


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Posts: 2,658
Registered: Jul 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 2,650
User ID: 696,357
Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Gouru - It was doing it in a section of the recipe file I had never edited.
If it would be of assistance I can share my heavily modified recipe xml.
I was adding new content and going thru every recipe and correcting a few minor errors I had come across.
Its failing on creating raw noodles.
It makes them, but does not see them in the inventory.
It makes a bundle then waits the default failure time and then makes another batch, waits the default failure time, lather rinse repeat.
If I select the raw noodles it creates and click the "stack key" it then recognizes that a batch of raw noodles was created and moves to create the next one in the queue.
I had deleted and re-added the recipe by hand editing the xml and also by re-adding it thru the in game editor.
I tried to see if anyone else was getting this error, but no response from other users.
I know raw noodles aren't popular or created alot but this one had stumped me when I was catering an in-game wedding and they wanted multiple noodle dishes.
There are a handful of noodle dishes, and they all stall at the raw noodles step.

Flour on Water = Dough
Noodle Cutter on Dough = Raw Noodles

its not earth shattering, it just seems that either MakeIt! or Decal itself isn't getting the proper item creation message.
I would consider it being my connection, but MakeIt! flawless works on everything else I ask it to craft.
I know that you have been busy and I appreciate any insight, help, PC exorcism you can offer happy

wubbie - tradeskiller


126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main
No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too
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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
I'm at work and don't recall if Make It! is one of the programs I have that uses debugout calls.

Could you install dbgview.exe , run it then run AC and make some noodles. If we get lucky, Make It! will post debugging messages that may give us a clue.

This is most often caused by a name mismatch, using the Make It! menu editor instead of XML will usually clear that up, but if that is not working, then it might indeed be some kind of silly AC/Decal thing.


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Posts: 2,658
Registered: Jul 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 2,650
User ID: 696,357
Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Okies... I've clipped the output down a bit, if you require more I still have it.
I used @tell to myself to set my boundaries...

I tried to make this pretty but us people without insider can't access pretty.

thank you again for helping

Make It: onTextReceived 0 [You think, "moo"
00007700 83.58041382 [1728] ]
00007701 86.25322723 [1728] Make It: VitalUpdate.
00007702 86.25325775 [1728] Make It: vital stat 6 now = 273
00007703 86.25409698 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007704 86.25412750 [1728] Make It: Game Event 456
00007705 86.52906799 [1728] Make It: onButton - Id: 101
00007706 86.52909088 [1728] Make It: DoMake.
00007707 86.52912140 [1728] Make It: SetMakeOptions.
00007708 86.52915955 [1728] Make It: Healmode: Kit
00007709 86.52918243 [1728] Make It: Health: max(2), min(1)
00007710 86.52919769 [1728] Make It: Mana: max(2), min(1)
00007711 86.52922821 [1728] Make It: Stamina: max(2), min(1)
00007712 86.52925110 [1728] Make It: Saving config to: C:\Program Files\GouruWare\Make It!\MakeItConfig.xml
00007713 86.53356934 [1728] Make It: Checking 21 toons
00007714 86.53361511 [1728] Make It: Toon: Thistledown-Chef_Wubbie
00007715 86.53364563 [1728] Make It: name matched
00007716 86.58486938 [1728] Make It: GetRecipe.
00007717 86.58564758 [1728] Make It: Start make job 5 Raw Noodles
00007718 86.58567810 [1728] Make It: Making 5 Raw Noodles
00007719 86.58570099 [1728] Make It: MakeItem
00007720 86.58572388 [1728] Make It: Checking health: 285 < 1?
00007721 86.58574677 [1728] Make It: Checking stack, 0 >= 2?
00007722 86.58576965 [1728] Make It: SearchAndMake
00007723 86.58579254 [1728] Make It: Using Noodle Cutter on Dough
00007724 86.58581543 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007725 86.58599091 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007726 86.58612061 [1728] Make It: PushJobIfCan.
00007727 86.58614349 [1728] Make It: GetRecipe.
00007728 86.58643341 [1728] Make It: no Dough, pushing job 5 Raw Noodles
00007729 86.58645630 [1728] Make It: PushJob
00007730 86.58648682 [1728] Make It: Making 1 Dough
00007731 86.58650208 [1728] Make It: MakeItem
00007732 86.58652496 [1728] Make It: Checking health: 285 < 1?
00007733 86.58654785 [1728] Make It: Checking stack, 0 >= 2?
00007734 86.58656311 [1728] Make It: SearchAndMake
00007735 86.58659363 [1728] Make It: Using Flour on Water
00007736 86.58660889 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007737 86.58670044 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007738 86.58676147 [1728] Make It: StartFailTimer.
00007739 86.58685303 [1728] Make It: Calling UseItmEx
00007740 86.58775330 [1728] Make It: End MakeItem
00007741 86.58779144 [1728] Make It: End Make(recipe).
00007742 86.58782196 [1728] Make It: End MakeItem
00007743 86.58783722 [1728] Make It: End Make(recipe).
00007744 86.58785248 [1728] Make It: End StartMakeJob(recipe).
00007745 86.58788300 [1728] Make It: End Make(itemname).
00007746 86.58789825 [1728] Make It: End onButton
00007747 88.09664154 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007748 88.09667969 [1728] Make It: Game Event 455
00007749 88.09669495 [1728] Make It: ActionComplete.
00007750 88.09671783 [1728] Make It: Action Completed u: 0
00007751 88.09716034 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted.
00007752 88.09718323 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted 3633334908 count: 9 2000
00007753 88.09721375 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 1, 0
00007754 88.09781647 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted.
00007755 88.09784698 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted 3633334960 count: 9 2000
00007756 88.09787750 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 0, 0
00007757 88.09860992 [1728] Make It: Create object Name:[Dough] Making:[Dough]
00007758 88.09863281 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 0, 1
00007759 88.09864807 [1728] Make It: MakeIsDone
00007760 88.09867859 [1728] Make It: Completed subtask
00007761 88.09869385 [1728] Make It: Job Complete
00007762 88.09871674 [1728] Make It: PopJob
00007763 88.09873962 [1728] Make It: Popped [2000] 5, use Noodle Cutter on Dough
00007764 88.14400482 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007765 88.14402771 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [You make dough.
00007766 88.14402771 [1728] ]
00007767 88.19300842 [1728] Make It: Timer Fired 30509
00007768 88.19303894 [1728] Make It: OnTimer 2000
00007769 88.19306183 [1728] Make It: MakeItem
00007770 88.19309235 [1728] Make It: Checking health: 285 < 1?
00007771 88.19310760 [1728] Make It: Checking stack, 0 >= 2?
00007772 88.19313812 [1728] Make It: SearchAndMake
00007773 88.19315338 [1728] Make It: Using Noodle Cutter on Dough
00007774 88.19317627 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007775 88.19338226 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007776 88.19480133 [1728] Make It: StartFailTimer.
00007777 88.19483185 [1728] Make It: Calling UseItmEx
00007778 88.19589996 [1728] Make It: End MakeItem
00007779 89.57872009 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007780 89.57875061 [1728] Make It: Game Event 455
00007781 89.57876587 [1728] Make It: ActionComplete.
00007782 89.57879639 [1728] Make It: Action Completed u: 0
00007783 89.57947540 [1728] Make It: DestroyObject.
00007784 89.57949829 [1728] Make It: DestroyObject [3631584867] 2000
00007785 89.57952881 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 1, 0
00007786 89.58016968 [1728] Make It: Create object Name:[Raw Noodles] Making:[Raw Noodles]
00007787 89.58020020 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 1, 1
00007788 89.62410736 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007789 89.62426758 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [You make raw noodles.
00007790 89.62426758 [1728] ]
00007791 90.38521576 [1728] Make It: VitalUpdate.
00007792 90.38525391 [1728] Make It: vital stat 6 now = 274
00007793 90.42793274 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007794 90.42795563 [1728] Make It: Game Event 456
00007795 94.18399811 [1728] Make It: Create object Name:[Weeping Wand] Making:[Raw Noodles]
00007796 94.18402863 [1728] Make It: Create object Id:[2186159983] Name:[Weeping Wand]
00007797 94.26477051 [1728] Make It: Create object Name:[Drailoch] Making:[Raw Noodles]
00007798 94.26480865 [1728] Make It: Create object Id:[1342995317] Name:[Drailoch]
00007799 95.36948395 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007800 95.36952209 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [[Trade] <Tell:IIDString:0:Will De Beest>Will De Beest<\Tell> says, "any interest?"]
00007801 95.36955261 [1728] Make It: ShouldTell.
00007802 96.20082092 [1728] Make It: VitalUpdate.
00007803 96.20108032 [1728] Make It: vital stat 6 now = 275
00007804 96.24353790 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007805 96.24356079 [1728] Make It: Game Event 456
00007806 101.12741089 [1728] Make It: VitalUpdate.
00007807 101.12744141 [1728] Make It: vital stat 6 now = 276
00007808 101.12828827 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007809 101.12831116 [1728] Make It: Game Event 456
00007810 102.08259583 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007811 102.08263397 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [[Trade] <Tell:IIDString:0:Will De Beest>Will De Beest<\Tell> says, "Green Garnet Blunt Bow, (Bludgeon Rending), 1 tinks, work 6, +127% +12 MeleeD/+9 DMG, Bow 360+ to wield, Value 11864, 620 BU"]
00007812 102.08266449 [1728] Make It: ShouldTell.
00007813 105.72261810 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007814 105.72265625 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [[General] <Tell:IIDString:0:Drailoch>Drailoch<\Tell> says, "that was sum BS"]
00007815 105.72268677 [1728] Make It: ShouldTell.
00007816 106.80389404 [1728] Make It: VitalUpdate.
00007817 106.80393219 [1728] Make It: vital stat 6 now = 277
00007818 106.96509552 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007819 106.96513367 [1728] Make It: Game Event 456
00007820 108.21661377 [1728] Make It: Timer Fired 30508
00007821 108.21665192 [1728] Make It: OnTimer 2000
00007822 108.21667480 [1728] Make It: MakeItem
00007823 108.21669769 [1728] Make It: Checking health: 285 < 1?
00007824 108.21672058 [1728] Make It: Checking stack, 0 >= 2?
00007825 108.21673584 [1728] Make It: SearchAndMake
00007826 108.21676636 [1728] Make It: Using Noodle Cutter on Dough
00007827 108.21678162 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007828 108.21697235 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007829 108.21710205 [1728] Make It: PushJobIfCan.
00007830 108.21712494 [1728] Make It: GetRecipe.
00007831 108.21777344 [1728] Make It: no Dough, pushing job 5 Raw Noodles
00007832 108.21779633 [1728] Make It: PushJob
00007833 108.21782684 [1728] Make It: Making 1 Dough
00007834 108.21784973 [1728] Make It: MakeItem
00007835 108.21786499 [1728] Make It: Checking health: 285 < 1?
00007836 108.21789551 [1728] Make It: Checking stack, 0 >= 2?
00007837 108.21791077 [1728] Make It: SearchAndMake
00007838 108.21793365 [1728] Make It: Using Flour on Water
00007839 108.21795654 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007840 108.21803284 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007841 108.21810150 [1728] Make It: StartFailTimer.
00007842 108.21812439 [1728] Make It: Calling UseItmEx
00007843 108.21899414 [1728] Make It: End MakeItem
00007844 108.21902466 [1728] Make It: End Make(recipe).
00007845 108.21907806 [1728] Make It: End MakeItem
00007846 109.61024475 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007847 109.61028290 [1728] Make It: Game Event 455
00007848 109.61029816 [1728] Make It: ActionComplete.
00007849 109.61032867 [1728] Make It: Action Completed u: 0
00007850 109.61093140 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted.
00007851 109.61095428 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted 3633334908 count: 8 2000
00007852 109.61098480 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 1, 0
00007853 109.61138153 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted.
00007854 109.61141205 [1728] Make It: StackAdjusted 3633334960 count: 8 2000
00007855 109.61142731 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 0, 0
00007856 109.61235809 [1728] Make It: Create object Name:[Dough] Making:[Dough]
00007857 109.61238861 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 0, 1
00007858 109.61240387 [1728] Make It: MakeIsDone
00007859 109.61241913 [1728] Make It: Completed subtask
00007860 109.61244965 [1728] Make It: Job Complete
00007861 109.61246490 [1728] Make It: PopJob
00007862 109.61249542 [1728] Make It: Popped [2000] 5, use Noodle Cutter on Dough
00007863 109.65682983 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007864 109.65686798 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [You make dough.
00007865 109.65686798 [1728] ]
00007866 109.70661163 [1728] Make It: Timer Fired 30506
00007867 109.70664215 [1728] Make It: OnTimer 2000
00007868 109.70667267 [1728] Make It: MakeItem
00007869 109.70668793 [1728] Make It: Checking health: 285 < 1?
00007870 109.70671844 [1728] Make It: Checking stack, 0 >= 2?
00007871 109.70673370 [1728] Make It: SearchAndMake
00007872 109.70676422 [1728] Make It: Using Noodle Cutter on Dough
00007873 109.70677948 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007874 109.70697021 [1728] Make It: GetItemGuid.
00007875 109.70836639 [1728] Make It: StartFailTimer.
00007876 109.70839691 [1728] Make It: Calling UseItmEx
00007877 109.70928955 [1728] Make It: End MakeItem
00007878 110.71924591 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007879 110.71927643 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [[General] <Tell:IIDString:0:The Incredible Spiderman>The Incredible Spiderman<\Tell> says, "heh"]
00007880 110.71930695 [1728] Make It: ShouldTell.
00007881 111.11991119 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007882 111.11995697 [1728] Make It: Game Event 455
00007883 111.11997223 [1728] Make It: ActionComplete.
00007884 111.12000275 [1728] Make It: Action Completed u: 0
00007885 111.12095642 [1728] Make It: Create object Name:[Raw Noodles] Making:[Raw Noodles]
00007886 111.12098694 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 2, 1
00007887 111.12161255 [1728] Make It: DestroyObject.
00007888 111.12164307 [1728] Make It: DestroyObject [3632986996] 2000
00007889 111.12166595 [1728] Make It: CheckIfDone: 1, 1
00007890 111.16700745 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007891 111.16767883 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [You make raw noodles.
00007892 111.16767883 [1728] ]
00007893 111.59521484 [1728] Make It: VitalUpdate.
00007894 111.59525299 [1728] Make It: vital stat 6 now = 278
00007895 111.79507446 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007896 111.79509735 [1728] Make It: Game Event 456
00007897 112.38965607 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007898 112.38969421 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [Drailoch is going to the Marketplace.
00007899 112.38969421 [1728] ]
00007900 112.38972473 [1728] Make It: ShouldTell.
00007901 116.33812714 [1728] Make It: VitalUpdate.
00007902 116.33817291 [1728] Make It: vital stat 6 now = 280
00007903 116.33903503 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007904 116.33905792 [1728] Make It: Game Event 456
00007905 116.42266083 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007906 116.42273712 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 2000 [[General] <Tell:IIDString:0:Drailoch>Drailoch<\Tell> says, "lol, reduel"]
00007907 116.42326355 [1728] Make It: ShouldTell.
00007908 118.24246216 [1728] Make It: onButton - Id: 115
00007909 118.24249268 [1728] Make It: Abort
00007910 118.24252319 [1728] Make It: End onButton
00007911 120.67000580 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatText
00007912 120.67004395 [1728] Make It: NextToken.
00007913 121.04045868 [1728] Make It: GameEvent.
00007914 121.04111481 [1728] Make It: Game Event 701
00007915 121.08161163 [1728] Make It: raw_ChatMessage.
00007916 121.08164978 [1728] Make It: onTextReceived 0 [You think, "moo"
00007917 121.08164978 [1728] ]


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Okay...That is truly wierd. The check appears to match exactly, but the macro does not move on. I'll check source code tonight.


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Thank you Gouru...

As I've said before if I target the just made noodles and hit the "stack" key it registers that a raw noodle was created and moved on thru the recipe list.

I hope that this is just some simple little thing.

wubbie - grateful tradeskiller


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Would you check that "Noodle Cutter" is in the NoMake list? Looking at the code, that's my best guess and I found it missing from my FullRecipeList.xml.

It appears it won't mark the task complete until the Noodle Cutter is destroyed wink

P.S. Do you have recipes for the new shroom foods and grenades? I'd like to add them to my FullRecipeList.xml and repost it.



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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Gorou i didn't think the noodle cutter (tool) was destroyed in the process. from what i recall the noddle cutter is like the fletching/carving knifes. purchased once used many times.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Exactly. And if it is not listed in the NoMake section along with the property 'keep=true", then Make It! assumes that a) it should be destroyed when used and b) a recipe should exist to make one.

When Make It! makes something, it creates a list of things that have to happen before a recipe is considered complete. For most items this means two objects are destroyed and one created, and it waits for that list to complete before moving on. This is one of the primary ways I can avoid the use of artificial timers. For instances where a tool is used (whittling knife, carving knife, mortar and pestle, noodle cutter) then one object should be destroyed and one created.

Which is why I believe that Noodle Cutter is not being recognized as a tool, and the most probable reason for that is that it is not listed in the NoMake section of the xml properly.

But then again, at this point, its only an educated guess until I hear back from the Chef.


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Okies... I will go check that now...

Thank you once again Gouru

I was just going thru the nomake section of my recipe file and its duplicated entries multiple times.
I wonder if this was caused by me loading recipe file b then back to recipe file c so I could edit the xml directly while I was still in game.
The noodle cutter doesn't show up so I will add it and clean up some of the duplications...
I posted the grenades here once before but lemme grab that section of the code again...

Once I get thru more of the checking of the recipes, and resectioning the file I planned to share the file as the newest updated version. I've been adding the tradeskiller create for xp items. And now I need to get a brain and a skull for the skull with brains item.

Mushrooms, Blue Kits, Grenades and the Grenade basics not covered in the original file.

<Category name="Tiriun Mushrooms" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Roasted Tiriun Cap" list="Roasted Tiriun Cap" use="Skewer" on="Tiriun Mushroom Cap" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Tiriun Cap Wafer" list="Tiriun Cap Wafer" use="Carving Knife" on="Roasted Tiriun Cap" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Cured Mushroom Stalk" list="Cured Mushroom Stalk" use="Hot Sauce" on="Tiriun Mushroom Stalk" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Tiriun Stalk Jerky" list="Tiriun Stalk Jerky" use="Carving Knife" on="Cured Mushroom Stalk" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Roasted Tiriun Spores" list="Roasted Tiriun Spores" use="Cooking Pot" on="Tiriun Mushroom Spores" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Tiriun Spore Powder" list="Tiriun Spore Powder" use="Mortar and Pestle" on="Roasted Tiriun Spores" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Blue Healing Kits" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Plentiful Healing Kit" list="Plentiful Healing Kit" use="Combined Hyssop and Mandrake" on="Soft Bandages" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Empowered Platinum Grenades 375" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Blade Vulnerability" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Blade Vulnerability" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Slashing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Bludgeoning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Piercing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Acid Vulnerability" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Acid Vulnerability" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Acid Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Lightning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Cold Vulnerability" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Cold Vulnerability" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Frost Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Imperil" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Imperil" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Bloodseeker Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Empowered Platinum Phial of Fire Vulnerability" list="Empowered Platinum Phial of Fire Vulnerability" use="Empowered Platinum Phial" on="Fire Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Platinum Grenades 325" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Blade Vulnerability" list="Platinum Phial of Blade Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Slashing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" list="Platinum Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Bludgeoning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" list="Platinum Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Piercing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Acid Vulnerability" list="Platinum Phial of Acid Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Acid Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" list="Platinum Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Lightning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Cold Vulnerability" list="Platinum Phial of Cold Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Frost Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Imperil" list="Platinum Phial of Imperil" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Bloodseeker Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Platinum Phial of Fire Vulnerability" list="Platinum Phial of Fire Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Platinum Phial" on="Fire Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Pyreal Grenades" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Blade Vulnerability" list="Pyreal Phial of Blade Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Slashing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" list="Pyreal Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Bludgeoning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" list="Pyreal Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Piercing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Acid Vulnerability" list="Pyreal Phial of Acid Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Acid Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" list="Pyreal Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Lightning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Cold Vulnerability" list="Pyreal Phial of Cold Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Frost Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Imperil" list="Pyreal Phial of Imperil" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Bloodseeker Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Pyreal Phial of Fire Vulnerability" list="Pyreal Phial of Fire Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Pyreal Phial" on="Fire Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Gold Grenades" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Blade Vulnerability" list="Gold Phial of Blade Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Slashing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" list="Gold Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Bludgeoning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" list="Gold Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Piercing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Acid Vulnerability" list="Gold Phial of Acid Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Acid Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" list="Gold Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Lightning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Cold Vulnerability" list="Gold Phial of Cold Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Frost Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Imperil" list="Gold Phial of Imperil" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Bloodseeker Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Gold Phial of Fire Vulnerability" list="Gold Phial of Fire Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Gold Phial" on="Fire Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Silver Grenades" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Blade Vulnerability" list="Silver Phial of Blade Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Slashing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" list="Silver Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Bludgeoning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" list="Silver Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Piercing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Acid Vulnerability" list="Silver Phial of Acid Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Acid Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" list="Silver Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Lightning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Cold Vulnerability" list="Silver Phial of Cold Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Frost Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Imperil" list="Silver Phial of Imperil" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Bloodseeker Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Silver Phial of Fire Vulnerability" list="Silver Phial of Fire Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Silver Phial" on="Fire Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Copper Grenades" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Blade Vulnerability" list="Copper Phial of Blade Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Slashing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" list="Copper Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Bludgeoning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" list="Copper Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Piercing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Acid Vulnerability" list="Copper Phial of Acid Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Acid Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" list="Copper Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Lightning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Cold Vulnerability" list="Copper Phial of Cold Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Frost Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Imperil" list="Copper Phial of Imperil" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Bloodseeker Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Copper Phial of Fire Vulnerability" list="Copper Phial of Fire Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Copper Phial" on="Fire Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Iron Grenades" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Blade Vulnerability" list="Iron Phial of Blade Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Slashing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" list="Iron Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Bludgeoning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" list="Iron Phial of Piercing Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Piercing Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Acid Vulnerability" list="Iron Phial of Acid Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Acid Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" list="Iron Phial of Lightning Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Lightning Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Cold Vulnerability" list="Iron Phial of Cold Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Frost Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Imperil" list="Iron Phial of Imperil" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Bloodseeker Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Iron Phial of Fire Vulnerability" list="Iron Phial of Fire Vulnerability" use="Enchanted Iron Phial" on="Fire Oil" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Category name="Grenade Basics" display="-1">
<Recipe name="Slashing Infusion" list="Slashing Infusion" use="Alembic" on="Verdigris" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Bludgeoning Infusion" list="Bludgeoning Infusion" use="Alembic" on="Cadmia" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Piercing Infusion" list="Piercing Infusion" use="Alembic" on="Ginseng" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Slashing Oil" list="Slashing Oil" use="Slashing Infusion" on="Aqua Incanta" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Bludgeoning Oil" list="Bludgeoning Oil" use="Bludgeoning Infusion" on="Aqua Incanta" skill="" diff="0"/>
<Recipe name="Piercing Oil" list="Piercing Oil" use="Piercing Infusion" on="Aqua Incanta" skill="" diff="0"/>


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
How does Make It! deal with Hot Sauce in the Cured Mushroom Stalk recipe? It uses Hot Sauce, but doesn't consume it, as if it was a carving knife or whatever. However there's some recipes that do consume it, so sometimes it's 'NoMake', and sometimes it isn't.


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Thorfinn Sigurdssen - I was just coming back to post about that...

I cleaned up several thousand duplicate entries in my nomake section and saw skewer as not destroyed, and thats true for mushroom use but not for kabobs...

I know I am able to make the mushrooms, and I believe I made kabobs for the wedding I catered and didn't have many problems there...

anyhow I'm gonna go beat on a noodle cutter and see what happens



I added the noodle cutter as a tool and boom it worked perfectly.
I have a feeling I should go thru my collection of items and make sure all of the tools for the trade are listed as tools of the trade. Thankfully I think I own every cooking, fletching, alchemy, lockpick tool in the game.

Again thank you Gouru for all of your help, I'm sorry it was something dorky but I'm going to be updating my file with all of the in game tools.

wubbie - tradeskiller with alot of editing to finish up...


I was pondering...
Maybe why it flipped out over the noodle cutter is because noodle cutters can be broken.
Most crafting implements never get destroyed.
Noodle cutters can be used to make a Buraun (sp) and can be consumed when used.

I dunno...


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
Hmm, it may take some extra code to handle those situations.

In the recipe itself allow the default 'keep' or 'not keep' to be specified.

Are there cases where something 'might' be destroyed?

The happy happy joy joy part of this for me was that it did not require an update to Make It! itself!


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Subject: Gouru - Your assistance with MakeIt! Please...
If memory serves, removing an atlan stone from an atlan weapon using the stone tool carries a possibility of destroying the tool, but I'm not sure if the server/client consider that a crafting action. I can't imagine that's something you'd want to do with Make It!, but it does mean such events can exist.


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