Author Topic: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
MiniMap has worked fantastically for me and I can't thank you enough for the plugin!!!

I did notice that when loading a new dungeon though, you have to relog or exit and re-enter the dungeon before the walls would show in the HUD. Is there a way to get the rendering to delay until the dungeon is loaded?

Also, slightly tangental to the functionality of the plug-in, but would it be possible to use your code and maybe a "dungeon snapshot" button to create a .BMP, .GIF, .TIFF or whatever kind of graphics file of the entire dungeonm possibly by elevation layer? Is there some way to just render the entire dungeon and throw it out to a file (or files) somewhere. It would make static dungeon mapping extremely easy and would aid the community in doing quest write-ups.

Whether or not any of this is possible, I still want to say THANK YOU!!! I've wanted a plug-in like this ever since Magellan 2 quit working. Thank you thank you thank you!


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
Dungeon walls should appear pretty much as soon as you move for newly downloaded dungeons- Every time you change which 'cell' you're in, it double checks to see if there's any in visible range it hasn't downloaded yet, which would include the one where you entered. It's a slight glitch I'll admit, but it shouldn't involve logging out or exiting the dungeon to get round it.

Exporting the dungeons to file has come up before.. it's a lot harder than it sounds. I probably will get round to it at some point, but I've got a lot of other stuff on right now that I need to get done first.


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
Hi Rhesus! good_luck

I completely agree, this plugin rocks! I haven't had trouble with it loading in new dungeons, though.

I'm fairly dungeon blind and never remember anything by sight. It probably took 10,000 runs through the eater dungeons before I started remembering them. I sort of remember dungeons by "left, right, up ramp" etc. I was able to solo Bobo last night without any help thanks to this plugin. I mean, yes, it helped that I sort of remembered my way through, but when I was running through and knew I needed to go down and could see where the down ramp was on the radar screen.... I was in heaven!

Thank you to the developer of this wonderful plugin! happy


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
One specific problem along these lines:

The Under Drudge Fort map, you must relog every single single time (or at least 75%, I believe it's happened almost every time anyways) when (entering from the portal). When I recall there, it works just fine.

This is a specific map that simply seems to not like to work. happy

There's my 2 cents!


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
I've already found that problem myself- it happens whenever you teleport within a dungeon, you'll see the same problem portalling within the mnemosyne collection sites (which was a heck of a lot more convenient for testing!!)

I'm doing a little bit of tidying up of the code at the moment, I'll probably release a fix for it within the next few days.


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
This plug-in looks to be a real Keeper!! It's definately one of those -Wish I had thought of that -- ideas.

Tested it out and as a result explored some very intresting dungeon areas that I would otherwise never have explored.

Good Work!!!!


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
It's definately one plugin that after using ONCE, I would be pained to go without again.

The bugs it seems to have are small, inconsequential (for the most part), and *ta-da* Vista-related. But... Isn't everything Vista-related nowadays? Lol.

Again I can't give enough props to how grea this plugin is. grin


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
1) Aye, great plugin! happy

2) It's those pesky dungeons within a dungeon that cause it to blip (mnen turnin, bone handle for comp bow upgrade dungeons, etc ... ) Doesn't look like anything you don't already know though.


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Subject: MiniMap: Big thank you!!! and some feedback
wanted to chime in and say thanks I love the plug in and think that your the most inovative dev there is right now I mean this and ac+ are niches that have not been filled and you do it with great style ... great job


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