Author Topic: LTxi Support Boards
Title: Poppy's Plaything
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Subject: LTxi Support Boards
Just FYI if you've registered an account to post on the support boards direct on our website and haven't been able to post, I had registration turned off. I just enabled a ton of accounts and deleted a bunch of spambots... so you can read/post there if you need.

That is all


Don't blink, Don't even blink
Blink and you're dead
They are fast, faster than you can believe
Don't turn your back, don't look away
and don't blink.
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Posts: 2,555
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Subject: LTxi Support Boards
There are a few options you can add into phpbb that will stop the spam bots. The one that works the best seems to be the one that creates the graphic image with words and numbers in it. The person has to type in the given characters displayed before being able to register.
I think this is an option in the latest release of phpbb. If not here is a link to the mod database where you can find a few add-ins to phpbb.

MOD database


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Posts: 2,201
Registered: Dec 23, '02
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Subject: LTxi Support Boards


AC1-Wintersebb-U S Blues-lvl275/Mystic Flare-lvl 275/Night-Crawler-lvl 275
WOW-Eonar-Arbol-Undead Warlock lvl60/Beltros-Tauren Shaman lvl46
VG-Xeth-Brub-Human Paladin lvl50/Sizzlingfury-Karashasa Sorcerer lvl 50/USBlues-Orc Ranger-lvl37
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