Author Topic: Any recourse over this CoC Violation silliness?
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Subject: Any recourse over this CoC Violation silliness?
So, here I am logged in, no Decal or anything loaded and I switch to my Royal Runed UA Weapon on Vissidel. I take one (1) swing and bammo, Booted for CoC violations. I experiment and over the course of the next half hour, I get booted 11 times. About half the time with the Royal Runed. The rest I only had a large spawn aggroed on me. About 50 Urgent Assistance Calls later - none with any answer - I find myself contemplating finally unsubbing, after 7+ Years. When I can't even play the game AT ALL, it becomes a serious issue.


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
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Subject: Any recourse over this CoC Violation silliness?
Apparently you have not been reading the dialog about this in the Turbine Forums concerning this. Throw the "Urgent Assistance Calls" out the window. From what I read, they provide little assistance.

Prepare yourself with detail about what technically happens when CoC kicks you out. Chat directly with the Turbine's Technical Assistance Chat or leave them post in the Turbine's technical assistance forum. You may want to PM direct on it.

From what I read, you are a case they are interested in ....


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Subject: Any recourse over this CoC Violation silliness?


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Subject: Any recourse over this CoC Violation silliness?

Talk to Severlin. Coder type, definitely on the ball. Has given out more information in casual comments about the code than I've seen for YEARS.

For instance: Talking about the fix for the server boundary problem (, and someone asks how things are progressing:

I definitely can't make promises or tell you the testing went well, and unless we find something it will be in the next monthly update. Because that would be promising things and giving you information before a patch, which I definitely can't do.

You do realize that if I talk too much about what's going on here they will eventually come for me and take me to the "Clockwork Orange" room for reconditioning?


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