Author Topic: Minor Castaway Bot Issue
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Subject: Minor Castaway Bot Issue
Missing singles instructions.

You tell bot, "help"
bot tells you, "I am a buff bot, tied to Colosseum (col) and arwic subway (sub). Here are the commands you have access to:"
bot tells you, "Skills: axe, dagger, mace, spear, staff, sword, ua, archer, xbow, thrown, mage"
bot tells you, "Add-Ons: 3school, weapon, shield, wand, trades, tinkers, protects, allrenew, xpchain, potions"
bot tells you, "Other: buffarmor, itembuffs, buffmule, megamule, line, singles, transfer, account, about, whereto"

You say, "megamule, line, ******singles******, transfer,"

You tell bot, "singles"
bot tells you, "I didn't understand that command!"

There used to be a response to that command stating the single buffs and how to ask for them, ie bowm, strength, leader, macem, (m for master after the skill name) etc
This does not appear to be configurable by the user, perhaps, Maddy, you wouldn't mind taking a peek at it?
Thank you.


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