Author Topic: Buffme Help needed please
Title: King of Bears
Posts: 13,040
Registered: Jul 5, '00
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Subject: Buffme Help needed please
1-Where is the Buffme plugin in loaded on the computer? (directory). I've tried looking for it but cannot locate it in Program Files, and I tried downloading it again and having it GO to the default directory, but I can't find the program to do that option happy

2-Is it possible to "copy" a profile in Buffme and then add onto that profile and give it a new name?




The more people I meet, the more I like my cat
Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master cool
Retired-David the UA Bear-Lvl 250-Queen Slayer cool
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Subject: Buffme Help needed please
1.) C:\Program Files\FreodsPlace\BuffMe

2.) I don't believe it is. sad You have to give your new profile a name first and then use the add command. Maybe you can try creating a profile with a new name, followed by the add command and then run a previous profile to include the spells and then add your new spells.


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
Kal'Aaron -MT- 183rd Level Deadeye
Shadow of Logan -MT- 147th Level Combat Archer
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Title: King of Bears
Posts: 13,040
Registered: Jul 5, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 12,759
User ID: 33,011
Subject: Buffme Help needed please
Logan, thanks for your help, and I was able to find a way to do what I was wanting to accomplish.

I wanted to "copy" my basic profile on my Ua. Buffing is not his strong point, and I didn't want to "Add" each buff, knowing me, I would forget something happy , but I wanted to add different weps to the profile, depending on where I was hunting, example: EO, I would buff only my Blug Ua and bane my shield for acid and pierce.

Or, if I wanted to go all out and hunt on the OP, I wanted to buff all my Ua's and bane my shield for everything.

How I accomplished this was, thanks to you, I now knew where the xml file resided. I edited the file in Notepad, copied my basic Ua profile, pasted it, then renamed it in 2 places within the same section. I saved it, went into AC, and "added" the buffs I wanted. Very easily done happy

Thanks for the tip in the right direciton.



The more people I meet, the more I like my cat
Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master cool
Retired-David the UA Bear-Lvl 250-Queen Slayer cool
Retired- Lvl 275-David the Mage Bear-David's Rare Bear Lvl 275/Died 887
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Posts: 6,896
Registered: Jun 14, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 6,820
User ID: 154,330
Subject: Buffme Help needed please
You're welcome. happy I try to help. wink


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
Kal'Aaron -MT- 183rd Level Deadeye
Shadow of Logan -MT- 147th Level Combat Archer
"I can't stand pain. It hurts me!" - Daffy Duck
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