Author Topic: AC Planner or similar program?
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Subject: AC Planner or similar program?
I used to use a little app called AC Planner for mapping out how I'd spend my XP, skill points, etc. It seems that this program has died about a year ago, but before it bit the dust there was an update for ToD that even included a Decal plugin to export character info.

Does anyone out there still have a copy of the last release (Alpha 3 I believe) or do you know of a similar program for tracking character development and planning XP use?


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Subject: AC Planner or similar program?
There is an AC Character Builder here:
is that closer to what you're looking for?

There's also
AC Level Calculator
AC Planner (not sure if this is gold yet)

These were found here:


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Subject: AC Planner or similar program?
Thanks for the reply, but none of those others are even close to what I'm looking for. I had been to the acplanner website, but the download link is inactive and the forum throws an error making it impossible for me to sign up. That is actually the alpha 3 build I mentioned above. The old AC Planner is still available through an ancient yahoo group, and I'm currently using 1.3.1, but it is quite outdated and I was hoping to get in on the new ToD updated one.

Looks like I'm just going to stay a sad panda.


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