Author Topic: Alinco Looting Help
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Subject: Alinco Looting Help
I am having a hard time figuring out how to make Alinco show the loot that I want. I wanted to know if there is any kind of instructions out there for Alinco. If not would someone be so kind as to help me setup Alinco so that it will show what I want. For example, I want to find on dead critters Majors. Not all Majors just some. I have put a green dot by each one I want. I have also turned off the green dots below where is says Filter Major, Minor Lvl 7 spells, Lvl 6 spells. I have also turned on the green dot next to these filters. I have tested it on some bots in the Market Place. I have also tested on my chest in my house. But it does not show all the time. Sometimes it does but not all the time. I was thinking maybe I have the Green Dots on and should not.

Thank you in advance for any help that you can give.

Enjoy the night
Cheyne of FF
Proud Member of the Dragon Moon Clan


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