Author Topic: LifeTank Navigation Help!
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Subject: LifeTank Navigation Help!
I am trying to set-up my lifetank navigation to navigate around bsd. Whenever I set the way points I set them all around the dungeon where all the good spawns are. Then I start the macro, and my character doesn't even follow the way points. He just runs into the wall....

Does anyone know how to get this to work?

Thank you very much...if anyone can help me I will even pay them money. lol. It is really pissing me off!


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Subject: LifeTank Navigation Help!
Set the nav points so he can NAVIGATE the halls, it trys to run straight to the points you tell it to run to, it can't take corners and go around doors and such on it's own. If there's a wall inbetween your character and the next point, he's going to try to run straight to that point, and thus into the wall.


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Subject: LifeTank Navigation Help!
I have tried to set mine up to run a short (four point) route in EO, and it does exactly what -Blink- described. Even if I set it up with all points in the same room, with no obstructions between points, it runs into (and attempts to run through) the wall.

I suspect that the navigation function simply does not work in dungeons. I've not yet had the chance to test my theory outside, though.

Any enlightenment on this issue would be greatly appreciated. happy


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Subject: LifeTank Navigation Help!
Some tricks to gettting the nav feature to work:

1. Use the "reverse and repeat route" option

2. Once you have used a route after you log in, you cannot change the route "easily". (i.e. it will always want to run back to one of the original points from a previos route) It is best to relog if you wish to dramatically change your route.

3. If it is trying to "run you into a wall" it is trying to move you back to a previus way point. Help it get to that point, then it should continue with that course unflawed.

4. In the past (several months back) the navigation feature would work inside dungeons, but would only allow one route per dungeon. If you tried to change the route inside a dungeon it would just "run you into a wall" and try to get back to the original way points, even with relogging. I believe this is fixed now.

Good luck happy


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