Author Topic: Alinco Buffs
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Subject: Alinco Buffs
Is there some way to "decode" the numbers corresponding to the buffs within the XML on Alinco Buffs? They are in a very illogical order, and cause a ton of grief for a non-mage trying to buff. I've already moved the "lifebuffself" section below the "creaturebuffself" section, but the critter buffs themselves are in DESPERATE need of reordering for efficient buffing. If someone could tell me what number corresponds to a specific spell, I'd be most appreciative. Heck, even if I can get the proper numbers for Focus, Self, Creature, Life and Item - that would help immensely!

Thanks in advance!


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Subject: Alinco Buffs
I'm sure the number/name list would be easier, but if you don't get it here is the easiest way I could think of to figure it out. (You probably know this already, but anyway...)

Turn on chat logging. Then activate Alinco and have it buff you. Turn off logging. A little bit of editing to get the irrelevant text out of the file and you'll have a nice, printable list of the spells, in order, as they were cast. It shouldn't be TOO much of a pain to correlate the spells to the numbers.


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Subject: Alinco Buffs
craftbot has a program that runs and produces a text listing of spells and their numbers.

it's separate from the bot program so should be able to install craftbot, run the external program and then delete craftbot without ever opening AC.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Alinco Buffs
Update to the problem:

Found a spelldata file, which gives all the relevant numbers. Only problem is that in order to get these spells casting in a "normal" routine, the xml for every single character using the program must be edited. So here is a question for the creator (hopefully he reads these boards):

Is there a way for the "master cast" list of Alinco Buffs to be edited into a more customary buffing routine? For example: cast Focus/Self/Creature/Life spells FIRST, rather than the routine as it sits (life magic is one of the first cast, wtih the others being WAY down the line). While the program functions well for a mage, if a melee/missile character is trying to buff, and is not really high on the magics ... they fizzle a LOT, resulting in a lot of wasted comps.


Keepers of the Lost Flame
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