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Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 1,691 User ID: 719,834
Subject:Another odd plugin request
Or ISO a way to edit an existing plugin to accomplish a "quest bot."
I would like to have a toon able to hand out items when a trade window is open (when bot is "used"), while sending a configurable information tell to a giver. Essentially, a town crier with the option to hand items to the interacting player. If possible, also to have the bot hand an item in return for a specific item, like a Reward NPC. I can do this manually, I know, but it limits me and those participating in a "homemade quest" to times when I can be on and limited to playing that one character.
Is there perhaps a way to edit a tradebot program for this?
-----signature----- ****Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or diplomacy are transmission errors. . . Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock "I don't care if I am a lemming -- I'm not going!!"
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 2,650 User ID: 696,357
Subject:Another odd plugin request
You might be able to get craftbot to do this.
While it won't be able to tell them much specifically you coudl set it up as such...
Player comes up and opens trade window, in response the bot then takes the wing and then returns item x and y from inventory to the player.
You could hand them a parachment with instructions and their next item or reward.
its not the intended use, but with a little editing and work on your part you could make it happen.
as always YMMV
WARLORD OF THINGS YOU CAN FOLD, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE 126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main STOP LAUGHING, I MAKE GIMPED LOOK HAWT! No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:Another odd plugin request
Ditto last poster ... just sell each item for 1 pyreal. You can also stick him in MP and highly restrict access to him with that plugin to just your clan, just a couple clans, or even just a couple people to eliminate jack-holes who would steal everything.