Author Topic: MiniMap Question...
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Subject: MiniMap Question...
is it possible to get minimapp to save the map infomation and then to be able to get it to print it out for future reference or so it could be given to ACmaps to help them update there database of maps?


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Subject: MiniMap Question...
I've already been asked that one.

Trying to get it to save the data in a meaningful way isn't going to be easy, it would mean either saving the data in some sort of text file which would probably involve almost as much work to reconstruct the map from as whatever cartographer's currently do.

Either that, or saving it as images, but getting it to reliably figure out how many images, and what should go on each and where is a logistical nightmare, and even then what comes out might not be as helpful as you might think. Take the lightning stone dungeon for example- if I tried outputting that it would end up as a mass of little bits of corridor spread across about 16 images, with no indication of where stairs up and down were, other than where a corridor ends without a wall on any given level. Even then, you wouldn't know if they go up or down.

To be honest, I felt that it'll probably make mapping the dungeons significantly easier as it is, and the effort required to produce some sort of meaningful export wouldn't really reap all that much benefit. I might look into at at some point in the future, but it's way down the list.



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