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deemed "expendable". Most boards on this list have at least
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Please enjoy the archive. ~
Managers, Moderators, VIP's, and regular posters.
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:Warbot 2.06
Is this plugin still around? I was just reading a writeup on Suca's site about it, it appears to be friggin awesome. Im thinking that this could be combined with say, lifetank for an uber macro.
Go to userware, its up to v2.15 now. Haven't used it myself though, and not sure how well it will work in conjunction with LT, since they both macro programs, kinda pointless having both on at same time, would be like having LT and ElTank(if still around) turned on and running at same time.
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:Warbot 2.06
Wow, thx for the link. This plugin looks better and better. A nav system that runs away(ninjas in EO? ha!), leader reporting, sorting features, war spell avoidance(it slide casts!),uses gems of stillness... It seems to do everything ltx does but better. There has gotta be a catch...
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 2,054 User ID: 445,618
Subject:Warbot 2.06
Only Works for a Mage
A Good Leader Teaches Others to be a Leader not follow like Lemmings There are no Problems only Solutions When all else Fails Have Toga Party TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA