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Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:lifetank as vuln/imp buddy
I've got 2 accounts and got one mage setup to follow my melee character to help him out. The thing is though, in order for LT to imp it has to have vuln turned on as well, otherwise it will just sit there. but if I have vuln on, it vulns 1st then imps 2nd. Is there some kinda bug in the system that won't allow LT to just simply imp when vuln is turned offed? From what I've been told, imp works better instead of vulns for melee. So ya, trying to have it imp instead of vuln. thanks.
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 7,440 User ID: 48,760
Subject:lifetank as vuln/imp buddy
well, imps sever more of a function for melee's with Rended weapons. with max skill rended weapon will deliver almost a lvl 6 vul, so mage with lvl 7 vul isn't providing as much MORE damage over the lvl 6 as an imperil.
imperil should just about double the damage done while going from lvl 6 to lvl 7 vul may see a jump like 20 points of damage.
BUT if you don't have Rended weapons on your melee, then either the vul or the imperil will about double the damage. then landing the other spell will shoot that double to about quad the original damage melee was doing without either.
Ag Nar Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat Mastering the pixels of gamedom, 1 MMORPG at a time..