Author Topic: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
I used too use 6th sense way back in the day. I am wanting to type a certain mobs name into the plugin and have it beep whenever i am around one.



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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
Alinco can do this, and Mob Tracker can do this.


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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
Not sure about the others, but I use Mob Tracker for this. Quite configurable, and when a mob you have on the "track" list is within range, a 3D arrow pops up near your character and points towards the desired mob.


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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
Same with Alinco...


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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
Lifetank also ID's critters if you add them, extra tab - detect tab, add critter name.


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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
As an FYI, Mob Tracker also provides in-game and out-of-game maps showing where specific mobs spawn, so you can target the area where they appear most commonly. Its extremely lean and dial-up friendly and every mob you come across is added to the server to help generate the maps. The web site also has listings of which mobs spawn in which dungeons and how many times they have been recorded there.


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Subject: Is there a plug in that will tell me when a certain mob is in the area i am in?
Alinco does this quite well and also has the ability to turn it off if you are tired of that mob


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