Title: Captain Canuck
Apr 3, '01
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
I'd assume it could be done using /loc to get the xyz coordinates and at least would show the path taken by a character.
then the person could go in and modify it a bit manually after.
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
The best one is Go Arrow, imho. It's an ingame route finder and it has an ingame map for Derth and dungeons as well that can be expanded. The dungeon maps don't show your location but they are handy none the less. The Dereth map does so where you are on the map though which is cool. It also keeps a list of your coprses, has an arrow that points to what ever location you want etc. Check it out. It's one of my favorite plugins.
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
I think he means a plugin the generate dungeon maps etc.
I might be wrong.
And to the idea
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Title: Moderator Ãœber Brat
May 29, '02
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
i havent heard of one. many quest leaders would prob love a plug in like that for posting quest write ups
Long suffering vassal to Xarkath, U.P. - Forever and ever
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
didnt have a plugin called acmapper or something lke that? dont know if it works or not
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Title: Lore Master
Jan 25, '04
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
bartzHG posted: didnt have a plugin called acmapper or something lke that? dont know if it works or not
It is called acmapper. It still works but it is not a plugin. It is used by Greeneyes and the gang to help draw the maps that are on the ACMaps web site. It is an off-line drawing program.
There used to be one or two plugins that worked inside the game but like most plugins they died with the Dark Majesty client in July 2005. I do not know of any working plugin. Nor do I know of anyone working on this.
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
I don't think there are any plugins that "map out" the dungeon as your going, but ACmaper as a external program to make maps. Kinda hard it you don't know how to. Other then that GoArrow is it for direction finding and what not.
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Sep 4, '04
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
magellen used to do this but as Yula said it died with ToD
EvilKronik quester in AC! I am Jack's... complete lack of surprise. A lie is only a lie if you know the truth! Kronik Dead Head Xbow in progress "Bring me some Stout already, meat puppet!"
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
Yeah, I was hoping that there would be something so that I might be able to contribute...there are certain dungeons that don't have maps yet that are pretty much mazes that you spend all your time wandering around until you find the right area. Unfortunately, I don't generally have the time to spend creating a new map by hand.
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
Here is exactly what you are looking for
It CAN be brought back, have a look
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Title: Lore Master
Jan 25, '04
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User ID: 887,035
anyone made a mapping plugin?
Given the how busy the few remaining plugin developers are these days. It is long haul from - would like to do it - when I get a round tuit. To actually releasing it to the community.
Sadly there are a lot of useful functions that died almost two years ago. The mapper is one that is still waiting in the queue for someone to start work on it.
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
I'd be willing to donate via Paypal to a finished product that was really JUST the old style Magellen plugin. Nothing else, nothing fancier, just that.
Does this move it up the list?
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
lol apparently not.....
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
I'd do it, but I've no idea about the cell.dat format for figuring out where dungeon walls are. I tried having a look, but it would be a pita to figure it out from scratch. If anyone knows anything about the format, I'd be willing to take a crack at it.
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
Well, I'm making progress, thanks to a HUGE amount of help from Akilla.
Here's a screenie for the work in progress. It's standing at the top of the subway, facing the exit portal. You can just make out the shape of the entrance room, and the two paths leading down.
Right now, it just plots a point at the corner of each image that's used for the walls and floor, but it means I've successfully figured out how to read where the walls are. I just need to use this data to draw something more sensible, but that's going to take a fair bit of complicated maths. I'm getting there though.
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
Yesterday this was posted on the originating site:
"It’s been a long time since I posted anything here, but as I only write when I have both time and something to say, it’s not that surprising. I’m moved to put fingers to keyboard today to discuss something I still get regular e-mails about - an old Decal plug-in, Magellan 2, for Asheron’s Call (for those who don’t recognise these terms, an older article series might be interesting).
The main function of Magellan 2 was as a dungeon mapping system - it would automatically generate real-time wireframe overviews of any dungeon as you walked around it. There’s nothing particularly amazing about it; indeed, retrospectively, a lot of how it worked was naive at best and bad at worst. However, a lot of people seemed to like it, and I still get about an email a fortnight asking for source code & technical information. So far, I’ve been sending out the code about once every 3 months, to give each person a chance to repair the code and publish something, alas to no avail. Hence, I figure it’s time to publish something more general and see what people can create.
[there's an awesome pic of the plugin here but I don't have insider here to post it]
Now, Magellan 2 did more than just map dungeons but the additional functionality (place search etc) is pretty trivial data management and nothing we’re interested in. We’ll be focusing on the map generation, but I’m not going to write this as a detailed set of technical specifications - more as a journey of creation suitable for all who are interested. Hopefully the information contained within, plus additional downloadable material will give people everything they need to recreate the work, if they want to.
Phase One : The problem
What we want: To create a client integrated real time usable map display of any dungeon a player wanders into, something that will help them both find their way around and allow them to explore the full depth of the dungeon (no more missed turns!).
What we we know: We have two data files, “cell.dat†and “portal.datâ€, which form an archive of many thousands of smaller files. We also have some vague idea of how the AC client software deals with the problem - we know that when we enter a new dungeon, some data is downloaded and the “cell.dat†file gets larger. We also know, from our many years of dungeon crawling, that dungeons are very “modular†in design - they seem to be built out of standard components, reused many times within the dungeons.
What we can do: We can read the files contained in the cell.dat and portal.dat archive files. We can also, via Decal, draw onto the players screen, and find out their location and orientation in the world.
The challenge is set! Over the next few articles, we’ll see what we can create. "
YAY looks like it may be making a comeback via the original owner, this makes me SO happy!
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
Cant wait I really liked Magellan
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anyone made a mapping plugin?
Well, my version's almost ready. It's still a lot less efficient than I'd like though, so I'm going to try and streamline it a bit, and there's some landblocks it still doesn't cope with very well, I'm having a look at those to try and figure out what's going on.
Here's a couple of screenies so far. The second one is the top of the subway.
Time permitting, I'm hoping to have something released within a week, although it's likely that initially it'll just plot the dungeon walls on the radar for now. I'll add in more functionality once I know it's stable enough.
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