Author Topic: How to: Making Decal Plugins compatble with Vista
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Subject: How to: Making Decal Plugins compatble with Vista
Current release of Decal is compatable with Vista, however for it to update properly you need to run it as administrator. To do this, right click on the Decal shortcut, and choose "Run as Administrator". If you have Vista, do NOT set Decal up to load on startup. We are working on a version that does not required administrator access.

The two most common causes of compatability issues are due to the locking down of certain key locations.

The directories under "Program Files" are by default read-only, so storing your setup information, databases, configuration files, in short, anything the program needs to be able to modify, in your install directory WILL cause problems.

Modify your program to store than information in the User's Documents or Application Data area instead. The rule of thumb I use is that if it's information that the user might want to change externally from my plugin, then I put it in Documents\FindIt (SortIt, etc.). If only my plugin will be changing it (or the user can only be change it through my plugin) then I put it in ApplicationData\FindIt...

The second primary compatability is the use of the Registry, specifically HKLM, for storing plugin configuration or state information. Information you are currently storing there should be moved either into an XML file under Documents or Application Data (as above), or if in the registry, be stored under HKCU.

Decal itself is affected by both of the above issues, which is why it currently needs to run as administrator. It will be fixed as above so that in the future it will be able to run without administrator rights.


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