Author Topic: Lifetank salvaging problem
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Subject: Lifetank salvaging problem
I'm getting the following error

[LTxi] WARNING : [Engine] clsSalvage.RunState[Waiting for Completion] - Secure Timer expired : exiting state.

It still salvages some of the stuff, but leaves other items unsalvaged, plus it takes a long time to try and salvage.

It started one night as my pack was getting full and I changed the salvaging frequency from 6 down to 3. After I sold my stuff, plenty of room in pack, rebooted computer, it still does it. Tried reinstalling lifetank, still happens. I had several looting profiles but it doesn't matter which one I use.

Would really like some suggestions about what to try next.


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Posts: 1,208
Registered: Jan 30, '07
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Subject: Lifetank salvaging problem
no idea about your problem but personally I had put on salvage multiple materials on accident when I was first setting up lifetank and i didn't have it enabled in asheron's call options, might want to make sure that's alright.

also it seems to want to match up in even numbers because the item you want + bag in inventory... so you might want to change it to 2 or 4, just an idea i don't really know if that works or not, just an idea.


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