Author Topic: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
Title: Punstress
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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
Please PM me here.

Short version:

Moving domain servers from a legacy server to a new host. Plesk desktop. I need to transfer our guild forums from the legacy server to the new one, and the import errors out, every time. I'd rather just transfer the existing database than rewrite everything.

Please. Before I throw my computer out of a nearby window.



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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
try to get something that will export the database as an .SQL file which can then be executed on the server to re-create the database and all content.

I know NaviCat does a pretty good job of this, but it isn't free.


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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
If you have SSH access, you can use create a backup with the mysqldump command and import it using the mysql command:

Export: mysqldump -h server -u username -p password database_name > dump_file.sql
Import: mysql -h server -u username -p password < dump_file.sql

You only need to specify the server if it's not localhost


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Title: Punstress
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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
Thank you both. The database is now installed and can be seen, queried, etc...The link just doesn't work now. Critical Error, can't connect to the database.

I'm going to move to Peru and herd llamas.


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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
yeah... that's what Navicat does I believe... only it's graphical and does it for you *grins*

that's one thing I really disliked about MySQL before I found NaviCat... I'm used to MSSQL where you have a nice UI to work with.


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Title: Punstress
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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
The originating server has a UI which allowed me to create the dumpfile. The new server utilizes a plesk desktop and uses phpMyadmin. In order to access the admin interface, I had to create a database. Then trying to restore resulted in a "database already exists" error. Deleting the database after entering the admin resulted in a "static https" error. And there is no line command option that I can find. After grabbing Navicat's free trial (thank you thank you thank you), I managed to get the fool thing set up. Now, my only problem is accessing it from the website. I have four days experience with MySQL, btw. As in, the last four days.

Yet another reason to love AC and the Utilities board. You guys rock.


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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
Now you'll have to go through your database, and any php files that reference the old server/database, and update them to point to the new one.


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Title: Punstress
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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru



It's all up and running now. One day, I may even not see php code when I close my eyes.

Thank you for all the pointers. They worked.


****Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or diplomacy are transmission errors. . .
Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock
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Subject: OT: ISO a MySQL guru
Navicat is a dream for MySQL eh?

(I know I like it)


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