Author Topic: IRC in Life Tank XI is not stable..
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Subject: IRC in Life Tank XI is not stable..
I have tried multiple IRC servers to no avail. In th IRC channel I get long delys on connecting and once connected i get a lot of ping? pong! then after as short while I get a disconnection timeout error. Also when connecting to I get something about this i a privately ..... then no connection or a long delay to connect but ultimately ending back up at a timeout disconnection.

Both mirc and X-chat from within the same network never drop a beat irc wise...

Any ideas would be good....

Any one else still use the IRC component of Life Tank?

Apparantly its dropping because of a Ping Timeout (240) seconds.. hence the ping? pong! msg's in LT.

example: LTxi|user <> has Quit IRC (Ping Timeout: 240 seconds)

the other form of a dropped connection which does not reconnect is:

LTxi|user <> has Quit IRC (Read error: Connection resetby peer)

again no attempt to reconnect..

obviously something is up..


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Title: Poppy's Plaything
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Subject: IRC in Life Tank XI is not stable..
It's never worked well from my experience.. PreTOD it worked decent, but it's always been flaky for me. I personally wanted to get rid of it sometime since I see no real purpose in it anymore.


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Subject: IRC in Life Tank XI is not stable..
IRC works fine in LT, it takes a while to connect the first time though. I use sorcery and have never had a problem.

IMO, using IRC is the best way to control two accounts at the same time and be able to keep track of whats going on w/o switching back and forth between the clients (which with all the changes made to LT lately, causes crashes).

Please please please don't take out IRC. If you know how to use it properly, it works just fine.


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Subject: IRC in Life Tank XI is not stable..
It drops connectivity for me so it does not work just fine and I like the feature.

Is there another plugin that communicates with IRC for me to use in the meantime.

LT, ELT and meginjarder are all I know of and none are functioning.

I dont need it for LT commands butfor custom programming needs.


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Subject: IRC in Life Tank XI is not stable..
I use it all the time as well, no problems here with it. Please please don't remove it. I use it to monitor my bots. Tradebot, Craftbot, buff bot.


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Subject: IRC in Life Tank XI is not stable..
IRC works like a charm for me in LT. I use it nonstop just to keep up with stuff.

I also use Sorcery and have had no trouble with connecting or staying connected.

The only issue I have is sending commands TO AC from IRC, anyone have any luck with that?


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