Author Topic: Lifetank server down?
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Subject: Lifetank server down?
I have been banned? I have never seen this before.


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
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Posts: 5,149
Registered: Jul 9, '02
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Subject: Lifetank server down?
nm, fixed


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
If you want someone to be politically correct, I suggest not engaging me in conversation.
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Subject: Lifetank server down?
still seems down to me.


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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: Lifetank server down?
try /lt auth server 2


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
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Title: Poppy's Plaything
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Subject: Lifetank server down?
Doh. I emailed all my customers, but completely forgot about Lifetank running.. eek!

The server was taken offline last night to perform an Operating System upgrade. The one we were using was becoming outdated and unsupported, so we decided it was best to upgrade it. Sometime early this morning the DNS server was having issues, but those have been resolved as well.

Everything should be working now. Please let me know if they are not.

Thanks =)


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Blink and you're dead
They are fast, faster than you can believe
Don't turn your back, don't look away
and don't blink.
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