Author Topic: Dual client...
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Subject: Dual client...
I get graphics slowdown when running two clients with decal loaded (and sometimes without it loaded, but who doesn't use decal? wink ) Anyway, I'm wondering if I were to invest in ridding that graphics slowdown would I need to upgrade the whole video card or would adding more RAM to my system be sufficient?

Current setup:
1024 RAM
128mb ATI 9800

I'm thinking about adding another gig of RAM anyway, just wondering if that'd alleviate my issue.


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Subject: Dual client...
Single core processor that is likely a Northwood core and a few years old? Check
Graphics card that is a few series old with only 128MB of RAM? Check

Those are the causes. An AC client uses between 200-400MB of RAM as well, so it won't *hurt* to add more, but the main bottlnecks are your GPU and processor.

edit: After a long time I will get slowdown on one of my clients if I am hunting both of them, and I have an ATI X1800XT, AMD Althon64 3700+, and 2GB of RAM. sad


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Shinsou // Bow Radley // Haien - FF
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Subject: Dual client...
my proc has hyper-threading, that change anything?

it's a 2.8 P4 HT


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Posts: 8,975
Registered: Aug 20, '02
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Subject: Dual client...
I have a spare 2.4, and a nvidia 256 V card, and 2.5 gigs of ram. Just get more ram and mabey a bigger graphics card.


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