Author Topic: When are we going to see...
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Subject: When are we going to see...
changes to Lifetank that actually benefit the end user? Not just mundane little fixes, but increased or at least improved functionality. Many people have been posting feature requests and suggestions on these boards and the lifetankxi boards. Maybe give us some answers? If you simply don't know how to do something, say that and maybe someone can help you guys with it.


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Title: Poppy's Plaything
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Subject: When are we going to see...
I've said it before, I'll say it again here.... We do this work on the plugin in our own free time. I'm sure you've noticed, but we just had 2 big holidays so forgive me if my mind wasn't dead set on working on a program. I'm sure it's the same with the other guys, but I've been extremely busy as of late. To be honest, I really haven't had the motivation to work on the plugin anyways, not to mention I can't login to AC anyway (and haven't for the past 4-5 weeks). I recently got broadband satellite, which works well, except AC won't let me stay connected and I haven't had the time to rewire the phones in the house to plug the dialup back in.

So, eventually, things will get fixed. When? I don't know. I'll let you know when I figure out how to get into AC again and when I solve my other computer problems I've been having lately.


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Subject: When are we going to see...
Then offer the project to someone that has more desire to work on it?


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Title: The Uber Gimp
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Subject: When are we going to see...
They work on this program for nothing, they owe you nothing. If seeing new features is so important, then code it in yourself or write your own program. Until then, shut up and let them do their work on their time.


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Subject: When are we going to see...
half of the crap you people ask to have done are stupid anyways and not necessary. Plus if your not happy with them don't use it. Plain and simple.

FYI, programing is prob one of the most tedious things you could do. If i had the source code they have I would mabey do someone of my own but it takes allot of time and paitence, thus something I don't have enough of .Which is why you don't see me trying to update it from the old source.


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Title: The Lord of Chaos
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Subject: When are we going to see...
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "Christmas". wink



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Subject: When are we going to see...
You can always write your own program Quren until then get off your high horse.


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Subject: When are we going to see...


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