Author Topic: lost plug in called arrow heads
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Subject: lost plug in called arrow heads
it was a simple littel plugin that the only thing it did was make arrow heads

and being it was simple it was ttoaly great

if any body can help me get it back that would be totaly great

my windows crashed i had to totaly reload and lost this great littel plugin


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Subject: lost plug in called arrow heads
It was called Arrowheads. It looks like it's been discontinued. However the author was/is the author of Alinco, you may want to try and contact him.


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
Kal'Aaron -MT- 183rd Level Deadeye
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Registered: Jun 24, '03
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Subject: lost plug in called arrow heads
Although Tings does more then Arrows it is still simple to make them.

1. Check Enable
2. Change Grp to Wrapped Deadly.
3. Change Itm to Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Blunt Arrowheads
4. Enter the Qty
5. Push Make

Or if you add them to your favorites.
1. Check Enable
2. Change Fav to Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Blunt Arrowheads
3. Enter the Qty
4. Push Make

When I make heads I usally do several
1. Check Enable
2. Change Fav to (Wrapped blah blah arrowheads)
3. Enter the Qty
4. Click on Add Q
5. Repeat for steps 2,3 and 4 for other heads needed.
6. Push Make

Tings can be downloaded at


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