Author Topic: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
The web sites that went along with it have also been taken down.

I added as much security as I could without raising questions from users about what
was being sent to the website and it still has been hacked by some 13 year old kids with
nothing better to do.

At last count before the database was completly wrecked by the hacker(s)
Over 25k kills were recorded.

167 Days of population were recorded with a high population reading of 463 as of last week.
Well over 15k different characters were seen

The daily average was about 900 kills a day with about 350 Plug-in users.

Thanks for the fun. I enjoyed working on this project and hate to see it go out like this,
but I just don't have the time to recover from what happened.



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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
Sorry to hear.

Vogue was like the PK hunter plugin correct? I'm working on a similar plugin that I hope to have out within a month or so.


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
Added to Killbit

Thanks Para


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
its horrible to see peoples hard work, ruined by a few kids. Especially when it's a free service to the community.


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
wth are people that effin lame?


Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
Want the sad part?

Even money says it was someone from the AC community that did it, too.


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
was it Elgar?


I'm just kidding of course. All this talk about Elgar and a rather large chip.. *shrug*


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
It was a Darktide player from either present or disgruntal past.

No one will ever know, and personal I don't care.
For entertaiment purposes, you can check out the 50+ post on the subject somewhere in the first 5 pages of the VNDT forums. This was pretty much the last straw on a very old dead game.

I will be looking for someone to take over my remaining plug-in's that are used by large number
of white server populations when I get a chance to post on it. 7-years gone, time to move on.


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
Sucks, but on the other hand. "What goes around, comes around."

When PKhunter was popular, you did similar if not the same thing these guys did to you.


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
o.O I'm sure you were sitting over his shoulder when he did it?


Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
He always has dodged accusations but protect him if you must


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
I'm not protecting him at all. I'm just stating a fact that you have 0 proof.



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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
maybe he's dodging accusations because he didn't do it?

what if I claimed that you killed my dog?

granted I know you didn't, but how does everyone else know that? What would you do about it? I'd guess you'd attempt to dodge accusations.


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
When PK Hunter was active and used, I posted the proof on that thread. On top of that you had other players, 5 or so on that thread alone, who looked at their stats and it showed the same thing. When I would kill him and/or his buddy it would work in reverse. It was ONLY him and his best friend/guildmate Donkey Kong that it had ever happened to, It was never brought up any other time for any other player. I am a reasonable guy who has played this game for 6 years, with no prior "hate" towards FX (I don't even know him) or anyone in that guild, and I hardly knew any of the people who also were affected by his doings, so my thread was in no way bias, I was just pointing out something very obvious and others realized it as well. A SS of a kill on them in that instance would have been helpful to post, but It wasn't like I SS my kills and obviously had no reason to at the time.

A player also made a post bragging of his PK Hunter #1 record and he went on to reply with a curious post that hinted that he had some control others would not have and that he didn't earn it if I remember correctly...I will try and find it.

The post is like 1 1/2 years old I think, but I proved it just the same. Him and Donkey Kong (in that thread, never again did they acknowledge it) only go on to state that they didn't run the plug-in (something that probably wasn't even required to do to mess with the proggie.)

It is what it is.


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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
I think your looking far to into this stuff... PK shows them having crappy ranks anyways they prob didn't did anything.


Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
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Subject: The plug-in Vogue is the website have been dis-continued
I'm extremely saddened by this news. I am the person who has been paying for the server space and MS SQL databases to run VOGUE and

For clarification, VOGUE was a plugin that tracked PK Kills on Darktide... and would report the level, guild, friends/enemies on radar... and then the website had a formula that the data would go through to earn rank points for each kill. We had just implemented the new ranking system prior to this hacking attempt, but our goal was to continue tweaking the formula until we had a solid ranking system.

The website, is a website focused on all things concerning PvP on Darktide... we held PvP tournaments, PvP Free For Alls, PvP Statistics, PvP Movies, PvP Templates, and we were planning some PvP Bounty Hunting events to give PvP action an added twist.

I'd love to be passed the code for Vogue to continue the project... if not, my website will not die, we will be without stats temporarily until another plugin can be created.

Thanks for all your hard work FX, and best of luck in your future endeavors.



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