Author Topic: Thank you Decal and Plug in writers
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Subject: Thank you Decal and Plug in writers
Thank you for taking your time to make our game time more enjoyable. For obvious reasons I have recently looked into all the plug ins that are available to me and I’m very happy with what I’ve found. So far I have appreciated Alinco, Go Arrow, and Quest timer.

Alinco has everything I wanted and nothing that I didn’t! applause I love the UST function, in the past I was afraid of using anything that salvaged for me but the way Alinco works I have no fear of something I forgot to inscribe getting juiced. (it list what it will salvage and you can just click out anything you don’t want to UST before opening the UST) I’m still working on the loot rules and I’m not sure if I need to click add/new every time I change my mind about what weapons I want to pick up but the test option helps me get it right. I love the hud options, being able to change the text and icons size, color, and boldness rather then just the placement and size is nice. Oh and the way the hud moves over when you lift the chat box is very cool.

Go Arrow, how did I ever live with out you ! love I’m a directionally challenged and recommend this for my fellow directionally impaired players. It also has routing and dungy maps built in.

Ok I’m off to find what other wonders of programming are out there for me to enjoy for free. Thanks again to all the code writes out there. hugs



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Subject: Thank you Decal and Plug in writers
I have to agree with the above sentimentS!


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Subject: Thank you Decal and Plug in writers


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Subject: Thank you Decal and Plug in writers
Well said! applause


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