Author Topic: Is there a plugin that will auto load your armor?
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Subject: Is there a plugin that will auto load your armor?
I am running Decal, Alinco, and Goarrow and the only other plugin I could really use is one that autoloads/unloads your armor with a click. Anything like that? Thanks!


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Subject: Is there a plugin that will auto load your armor?
one of gouro's plugins makeit or sorit has a clothing selection but last i saw Gouro's toybox server was down.

MY gosh is Gouro secretly elgarl????? j/k


Ag Nar
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Subject: Is there a plugin that will auto load your armor?
Specifically you want Gouru's SortIt! plugin, which will do everything you asked for.

Once you have things set up you use keyboard assignments to load/unload the various armor/weapon combinations that you set up.

You'll like it as it works quite well, which is good as it's the only plugin I know of that does this sort of thing.

AND, as an additional Christmas shopping bonus, you get some very good backpack sorting options and additional items/commands that can be attached to keyboard combinations (one key healing and stuff like that).


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Subject: Is there a plugin that will auto load your armor?
Eltank used to do it grin


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Subject: Is there a plugin that will auto load your armor?
Sweet sortit! sounds like my solution, thanks for the info guys!


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Subject: Is there a plugin that will auto load your armor?
I've never figured out what all the one-touch healing and other stuff like that are doing in Sort It! If anybody ever thinks of an explanation, please let me know. In the meantime, yup, Sort It! does what you want.


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