Author Topic: Lifetank question w/ dual client
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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
I'm going to ask this here, since questions are not being answered on the actual lifetank boards.

I am able to dual client macro 2 characters in 2 windows. The melee has to be the active window or it stops working well, healing, and so on, and will die. A mage macro does not have to be the active window to work, as ltx works perfectly with it not being the one you're actually using. Why? I don't quite know, but I know that it worked fine before since I have a mage and a melee.

Now I've replaced that mage with an archer, and it doesn't work anymore. If I don't keep the archer AC window open I'll get a bunch of timed out messages and ltx will essentially just stand there and die. The same happens to the melee. I can watch him through my archer's window and he will literally just run around a bit without actually attacking anything.

Is there anything I can do to solve this? I know ELtank is NOT the answer because having ELtank on actually kills whichever character is not in the active window.


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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
You need to use windowed mode. LT will not always work correctly in full-screen mode with multiple clients on the same machine.


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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
I DO use windowed mode, yet it does not work correctly. I can alt-tab to one window and 30s later it's OH MY GOD YOU KILLED KENNY in the other one!


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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
I'd say more information is required. I can run 3-4 clients with ease on my PC... AMD 64 3000+ w/ 2gig ram and 128meg vid card....


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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
Hmmm.. I'm running an AMD 3200+ w/ 2GB and a 256MB card, and I can't run 2 clients without serious lag issues. Doing a /framerate, there's about 40fps difference if I'm running two clients vs one, and that's with no huds on. Of course I haven't reloaded my system in ages, so it's about time to do that.


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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
don't alt-tab.

the key combination screws things up. If you're truely in Windowed Mode, then just CLICK back and forth between windows.

(AC has always been this way)


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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
I have no lag issues whatsoever, and it doesn't really slow down much until a few hours have passed in a small window with lowest graphic settings. I just find it odd that a mage macro works if it's not the active window but a melee/archer won't.

Alt-tabbing between windows constantly doesn't really work when I'm playing one char and macroing the other.


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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
So... this won't work then I suppose?


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Title: Wu Fez 4 Life!
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Subject: Lifetank question w/ dual client
I duno.. works fine for 3 clients for me

mage, ua, archer


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