Author Topic: Plugin Help Requested
Posts: 384
Registered: Feb 11, '02
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Subject: Plugin Help Requested
Hiya I am Seraquiel I am TRYING to write a plugin VERY simillar to Topherons Doom is that possible? I have a very limited knowledge of C+++ but am willing to learn, I am the Current Creatures Editor for WCoD but am not adverse to helping other fan sites as I am Sword/Life Scpd but I still want to find Missile Values? anyways any input would be helpfull



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Subject: Plugin Help Requested
What did Topherons Doom do?


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Digero's AC Decal Plugins:
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Subject: Plugin Help Requested
I've already done it in a plugin I'm currently working on, although at the moment it only works on a development version of Decal. The tool I'm developing is designed to assist with combat, and it includes xp tracking that shows you just your xp/hour, ignoring any xp received from fellows/vassals. It has to include xp received from skill checks to do this, so it picks up this data, and can optionally show you the result of a skill check including the difficulty and xp gained.

It shouldn't be too hard to get it working for the public release of Decal, most of my plugins just needed a recompile.


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Posts: 384
Registered: Feb 11, '02
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User ID: 643,729
Subject: Plugin Help Requested
Topherons Doom would give you Magic Defense , Missile defense Melee Defense of any mob based on skill that is my goal though I have no missille attack, basically as it is now if a mob resists me (425 life) then its listed that way but thats highly unfair to aspiring mages that have far more skill than me. My bottom line is I would rather post NO data than eroneous data but I cant believe no one feels as I do =/


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