Author Topic: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
Posts: 1,093
Registered: Jun 19, '01
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User ID: 168,794
Subject: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
I've noticed a wierd bug; when I type /permit add I get an error message saying it's an invalid command. I tried without decal and had no problems. I then tried one plug in at a time, and finally determined that this only happens when I have Agent Z on.

I'm not saying I die all that often that permitting others is a necessity, or that I can't play without having Agent Z on, but I'd like to be able to do both. Here's my export:

Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 0, AC Tool Companion,, {12132875-071F-4800-86C1-142F128DBE48}
Plugins, 0, DCS,, {D9E20CB8-7A18-4325-B8E1-74D0EC42E821}
Plugins, 0, TreeStats 2,, {9847B2B7-C7C7-42BA-9361-021D01715E8F}
Plugins, 1, Quest Timer,, {BB51962C-2EEE-4E67-A032-EEC1F11E66C8}
Plugins, 0, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 0, Tings,, {864F2945-A564-4C8D-A36F-0CAF267F7612}
Plugins, 1, ELTank v2.6.0.20-Beta-7,, {39E9E0F5-85D7-4C38-87D6-3BBCB853357E}
Plugins, 1, Combater 2,, {12533C7E-33E7-4663-8ABC-3036785B4715}
Plugins, 1, Target Info,, {BF8C22F4-B172-4922-B3D4-26E6985E87AC}
Plugins, 0, LifeTank XI,, {910C0F8E-827A-4E35-A980-50D57D0B1296}
Plugins, 0, CastAway,, {4EB455CB-A2DA-44B6-90F2-09517A4B1476}
Plugins, 1, SSSort,, {B9765335-51EC-4C24-AE39-D6E1BA6AE4AD}
Plugins, 1, LogWiz,, {507DBB5C-B0AD-4839-9CFC-3CD302CD4DFA}
Plugins, 1, BuffMe,, {22C182F7-DD8E-4894-B7F0-27D52B27DA96}
Plugins, 1, AmmoGimp,, {ED2A6D06-C27F-4A37-8043-D7E3B827F878}
Plugins, 1, AgentZ,, {359E547B-5302-4134-80F2-3BE5C31EC828}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, Decal FileService,, {5E9B2FC3-C251-4589-8CE3-2BCA542B98B6}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Network Filters, 1, Darkside Filter,, {F93FD48F-BA68-4BF5-A7B3-7908D1634331}
Services, 1, Decal .NET Lifetime Service,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0001-0000000DECA1}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Services, 1, Decal D3DService,, {F0CC07A0-2C89-4FA4-9356-714665BC2F8B}
Surrogates, 1, Decal.Adapter Surrogate,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0002-0000000DECA1}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, -1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

Decal Settings
[Injection Method] : Timer (Default)
[Portal Path] : C:\Program Files\Turbine\Asheron's Call - Throne of Destiny\
[Launcher App] : acclient.exe
[Update URL] :
[memlocs.xml] : 24464 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 52677 bytes, Version 2006.05.18.3
[Video Memory] : 383081408

D3DX Libraries (Only d3dx9_30 is required)
[d3dx9_24.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_25.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_26.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_27.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_28.dll] : Installed (9.10.455.0)
[d3dx9_29.dll] : Installed (9.11.519.0)
[d3dx9_30.dll] : Installed (9.12.589.0)

---Support Libraries ---
Note: The following libraries are not necessary for Decal to function and are only provided to be of use to plugin developers.

.NET Frameworks
[v1.0.3705] (1.0 Final) : Not Installed
[v1.1.4322] (1.1 Final) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50215] (2.0 Beta 2) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50727] (2.0 Final) : Installed

C++ Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[mfc70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[msvcr70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[msvcp70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[atl71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[mfc71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[msvcr71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3052.4)
[msvcp71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.50.2162.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.20.9818.0)

---Video Device Information---
[Device] : RADEON 9600 SERIES
[Device Name] : \\.\DISPLAY1
[KeyDeviceID] : Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4150&SUBSYS_00021002&REV_00
[KeyDeviceKey] : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{F8981132-5B8B-47DA-A3E3-D161A23658F5}\0000
[Manufacturer] : ATI Technologies Inc.
[ChipType] : ATI RADEON 9600 Series AGP (0x4150)
[DACType] : Internal DAC(400MHz)
[Revision] :
[MemoryLocalised] : 256.0 MB
[MemoryEnglish] : 256.0 MB
[DisplayLocalised] : 1280 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayEnglish] : 1280 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayWidth] : 1280
[DisplayHeight] : 768
[DisplayBpp] : 32
[RefreshRate] : 60
[MonitorName] : Plug and Play Monitor
[MonitorMaxRes] : 1600,1200
[DriverName] : ati2dvag.dll
[DriverVersion] : 6.14.0010.6561
[DriverAttributes] : Final Retail
[DriverLangEnglish] : English
[DriverLangLocal] : English
[DriverDateEng] : 8/3/2005 23:10:36
[DriverDateLocal] : 8/3/2005 23:10:36
[DriverSize] : 205312
[MiniVdd] : ati2mtag.sys
[MiniVddDateEng] : 8/3/2005 23:10:16
[MiniVddDateLocal] : 8/3/2005 23:10:16
[MiniVddSize] : 1273344
[Vdd] : n/a
[RenderWindow] : Yes
[Beta] : No
[Debug] : No
[Signed] : No
[SignValid] : No
[Identifier] : {D7B71EE2-0210-11CF-136A-0820A1C2CB35}
[DDIVer] : 9
[DDIVerEng] : 9 (or higher)
[DDIVerLocal] : 9 (or higher)
[iAdapter] : 0
[VendorID] : 0x1002
[DeviceID] : 0x4150
[SubSystemID] : 0x00021002
[RevisionID] : 0x0000
[WHQL Level] : 0
[NoHardware] : 0
[DDAccelEnabled] : Yes
[3DAccelExists] : Yes
[3DAccelEnabled] : Yes
[AGP Enabled] : Yes
[AGPExists] : Yes
[AGPExistsValid] : Yes


Bellarosa&Bellrose, Officers, Sons of Gondor
Elendimir Server, Lotro
formerly known as Taco Belle, Monarch of the
Iron Shield, Leafcull, AC.
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Posts: 2,269
Registered: May 12, '02
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User ID: 678,234
Subject: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
Do you have /pa set up as an alias in AgentZ? If so, try unchecking it (disabling the alias) and try it again. I had a similar issue with another of the aliases - it was reported to Zeg. This one might be tied in as well somehow happy


Keepers of the Lost Flame
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Subject: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
I have an odd bug with Agent Z where , when I type /clear, nothing happens, and I actually had to set up an alias for /clear /clear, lol.

But for the most part Agent Z is very trouble free and a great plugin.


Chazcon - Aluvian swordsman
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Title: ACVault Staff
Lingie Bunny

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Subject: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
Chazcon posted:
I have an odd bug with Agent Z where , when I type /clear, nothing happens,

Ditto. I didn't think to set it up as an alias, nice to know that's what I can do. I really enjoy that command.

What I don't understand about AgentZ alias things is why I'm unable to set up an alias for the /z find command.

For instance, we have one or two people who run server-wide quests constantly, so I am constantly typing /z find <name> to target them during quests. (Yes I get lost, a LOT lol)

But when I try to make that an alias, it won't work. ( i.e. /zf = /z find Abu Megan , doesn't work. )

Kind of a bummer sad


rose Ling Mei - Veteran Swordswoman
rose Lingie - Abu's Health-Addicted Support Mage
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Posts: 974
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Subject: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
As Ashake said, she recently told me about this bug, which should be fixed in the next version. The cause (assuming its the same bug) is an alias which has the same beginning to another command. For example adding /pkl in agentz to go pklite would interfere with the games /pklarena recall. In the mean time, for clear or permit look for aliases you added such as /cl or /per or so forth. If this is not the case, then let me know because it means its probobly a seperate issue.

As for making aliases for agentz commands, this is something that I could add. Currently an alias translated command is simply sent to the client, which means AZ's command processer doesn't trigger for the new command.


Zegeger - HG - 246 - Axe
AgentZ -
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Title: ACVault Staff
Lingie Bunny

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Registered: Mar 18, '01
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User ID: 75,886
Subject: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
Zegeger posted:
As for making aliases for agentz commands, this is something that I could add. Currently an alias translated command is simply sent to the client, which means AZ's command processer doesn't trigger for the new command.
Hee hee, well I really don't understand that, but if you could make it work that would rock, lol. love


rose Ling Mei - Veteran Swordswoman
rose Lingie - Abu's Health-Addicted Support Mage
Directionally Impaired in AC since 1999
The sun itself sees not 'till heaven clears.
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Posts: 1,093
Registered: Jun 19, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 1,077
User ID: 168,794
Subject: Agent Z - I'm getting a wierd bug
Thank you for your prompt reply, I just knew I couldn't be spelling /permit add wrong that many times laugh
Agent Z is a great plug in.


Bellarosa&Bellrose, Officers, Sons of Gondor
Elendimir Server, Lotro
formerly known as Taco Belle, Monarch of the
Iron Shield, Leafcull, AC.
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