Author Topic: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
Don't get me wrong, this plug in made me go WOW! Absolutely awsome plugin and probably one of the most impressive I've seen in a long time....but so so gutted that I can't use it as it constantly crashes AC. Tried many combinations of plugin but as soon as GoArrow is active *bang*. I even installed a fresh copy of AC and went in without dual log just in case that was the problem but it crashed as I logged in for the first time. Decal off, and no crashes. Anyone else having similar problems?

...waiting in anticipation for updates praying


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
Your support request is buggy. Please post an export.

[Edit] Did you happen to look at the "known bugs" section of the GoArrow page?


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
I use GoArrow every single day. It never crashes my PC...

Your method of requesting help, or bug reporting is Crappier than Crappy McCraps from Crapsville.


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
I'm with Far - I use it all the time while playing and it doesn't crash me. Note that you DO have to uncheck the "automatically update locations" option or it can crash when you recall/ls/portal at times. After unchecking that it runs like a charm.


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
This plug-in is my life-line, and I've used it constantly, and never once has it crashed AC, Ever. I do not get errors, and I have never had AC crash with Decal or any of the plug-ins I run.

Please do not disparage a plug-in without providing a Decal Export. More than likely, you are missing something, or you have not read the "known issues" and followed the solutions provided to fix them.


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
It was only a wee joke rolling_eyes

I admit the reporting is um less than helpful so apologies. It is good to hear tho that some are using it without any problems. I will have another play when I'm back from work and post a proper export etc. I did see the known bugs and did switch that option off. Also, when I did a fresh install of ac, it crashed *while* it logged on for the first time so I didn't even have a chance to switch that option off.

I do admire those that create plugins and my hat goes off to them so no disrespect meant.


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
That option needs to be stored somewhere - it's possible that you could check an INI file or the registry to try and find that option and turn it off prior to entering AC...


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
"I'm with Far - I use it all the time while playing and it doesn't crash me. Note that you DO have to uncheck the "automatically update locations" option or it can crash when you recall/ls/portal at times. After unchecking that it runs like a charm. "

Is this going to get fixed?


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Subject: GoArrow - Buggier than Buggy McBugsy from Bugsville
MagusOfAtlan posted:
That option needs to be stored somewhere - it's possible that you could check an INI file or the registry to try and find that option and turn it off prior to entering AC...

There is a file called settings.xml in the GoArrow folder (the file only exists after you successfully log in and out once while running GoArrow). You can edit it with notepad. The setting is called chkAutoUpdateRecalls. If you can't even log in once, then make a new text file in notepad that contains: <settings><setting name="chkAutoUpdateRecalls" value="False" /></settings> and save it as "settings.xml" (include the quotes when saving).

hobartbouregarde posted:
Is this going to get fixed?
It will be fixed after the next version of Decal is released (hopefully soon).


[LotRO] Digero (Guardian), Digrim (Burglar), Dignite (LM), Azrea (Hunter) - Landroval
[AC] Digero, Lyera, Draxxe - Leafcull (Retired)
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