Author Topic: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
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Subject: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
I understand there is timer for vassle and patron to be in game to increase passup. Is there any program that can determine what % you are at and/or How much time is required to complete the Turbine requirement?


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Subject: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
there are no messages in the AC Protocol that relay your "sworn time" or your effective passup amount.


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Subject: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
Some rough numbers: You need to be sworn to a patron for about a full month - logged in - to max out your passup. So unless you keep a character logged in the first 30 days or so of creation, they won't be passing up at their full "vassal time potential."

If I recall, there is also a timer that takes something like 6 months or 2 years to max out, but my senility is blocking the memory...

Also, a patron needs to have 4 such vassals max'd out on time to max out their "patron time potential." More may DECREASE the time though, so having 4 max'd out, plus 2 brand new vassals will hurt the patron overall for a while, because it is an average of this logged-in time for all vassals.

As mentioned above, I'm not aware of any means to figure out this time unless you get all vassals to log in, and ask each how much in-game time they have.


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Subject: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
Is it worth just having my vassels stay in game during the day at their chest when not playing?


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Subject: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
I thought that I heard that another part of the formula was how long the PATRON had been in-game after the swearing as well?


Edits are for spelling :^)
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Subject: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
<< I thought that I heard that another part of the formula was how long the PATRON had been in-game after the swearing as well? >>

You can find the formula here:


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Title: Speaker of Fluent Typo
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Subject: Any decal plugin for determining passup %, time in game
Thanks Maddy that will come in handy, especially for geeks like me who can't play 16 hours a day anymore, but want to maximize their rewards when they can.

I have always been one for using the game dymanics to their potential. ( read that as: I try and stat just short of the line where i'd be called an exploiter ) though recently I've been called worse.

Then again this isn't the Turbine general forum. wink


( edit- to clarify- I don't mean by you personally)


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