Author Topic: ISO a plugin similar to Chat helper
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Subject: ISO a plugin similar to Chat helper
I used to use Chat Helper as an aid to answering multiple tells. Is there anything out there currently that is similar to it? Thanks.


Tao Roo Chingon II, grief tank war mage
Zathrus, Tao Roo, El Chingon, Will Robinson, Taopoke, Lil Tao, Tao the Mighty
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Subject: ISO a plugin similar to Chat helper
I never used Chat Helper, but Bandit Chat made replying to tells very easy for me. I'd love to see something similar to either or put up in their place.

- Show the names of the last X amount of people to @tell me.
- Click their names on screen to place /t whoever, in my chat bar
- Save the last X @tells from the last X amount of people to a log, viewable by clicking their name in the plugin.
- Save allegiance info for those people if withen radar range when they @tell me.


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Subject: ISO a plugin similar to Chat helper
Chat Helper did all that excepting the last one in your list. I found it extremely useful. Is there anything out there similar to it?


Tao Roo Chingon II, grief tank war mage
Zathrus, Tao Roo, El Chingon, Will Robinson, Taopoke, Lil Tao, Tao the Mighty
Monarch of "The Spirits of the Mountain" established May 21, 2001 on Thistledown
"life is dessert first.."
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Subject: ISO a plugin similar to Chat helper
Another thing that Bandit Chat did that I really used more than anything was the '/last nnn' command. It kept track of the last several hundred lines of all chat, so you could use it to find chat that scrolled off the window.

For example:

Joe the Barbarian tells you, "Hey, I permitted you to my chest villa at 56N, 50E. See you tomorrow!"
You evade Tusker Slave.
You evade Tusker Slave.
You evade Tusker Slave.

Now you can't remember what the coords were and it's scrolled off the screen and Joe's logged off. You'd just type in something like: '@last chest villa' and the line

Joe the Barbarian tells you, "Hey, I permitted you to my chest villa at 56N, 50E. See you tomorrow!"

would be reprinted in the chat window for you.

Would be nice to be have that sort of feature put into a chat plugin again also.


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Subject: ISO a plugin similar to Chat helper
I think virindi Chat System does soem of that look for a link to it on AC Heaven


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Subject: ISO a plugin similar to Chat helper
I love Virindi Chat System, even have a really indepth config, but I don't think it does any of the stuff posted. I LOVE that /last command, but never knew about it.


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