Author Topic: Squire updated to V1.0.0.3
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Subject: Squire updated to V1.0.0.3
Just updated Squire to V1.0.0.3, with the following improvements:

*Improved the estimate of time remaining on equipment's mana to account for a bug in AC (see below).
*Improved the reliability of determining whether or not a piece of equipment is active- it now checks that ALL spells on an item are active, not just any one of them.
*Now updates its entry in the decal bar to show the time remaining on whichever item runs out first, so you don't need to open the window to check
*Now displays times as 0h00m instead of 0:00, to avoid mistaking it for minutes:seconds.

Home page is here:

During testing, I discovered a bug in AC to do with the rate at which items use mana. It seems the actual duration between when mana is used is rounded up to the nearest 5 seconds, but the rate displayed when you ID an item is rounded to the nearest whole number. Items that claim to use 1 per 18s, actually use 1 per 20s, 1 per 24s is actually 1 per 30s, and 1 per 30s is actually 1 per 35s. That last one is actually 1 per 30.3030303 seconds internally, hence it rounds up to 35, even though it shows 1 per 30s.


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