Author Topic: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
I try to move the check-boxes and they randomly change position.

What the heck?


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
I asked about this a looooooooooong time ago, pre-ToD and a couple versions of Decal ago. Things could be totally different now. The answer I got back then was that some plugins are "coded" to be in a certain spot on the list. Don't remember why that was. The solution involved editing my registry. At the time I consided that about equal to walking thru a minefield with a blindfold on, so I decided to live with the situation. While I still consider my registry a minefield, I think I've managed to lose the blindfold laugh

Would be nice to have the ability to order plugins in the control panel, but I don't have so many of them since ToD that it's a major issue to find the ones I want.


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
It's a bug in Decal. Pre-ToD was also a (different) bug in Decal, which only happened if you had more than 26 plugins installed.


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
Simple. Edit the Registry. Change the value of the 'Order' key for each plugin, get out of the Registry, open Decal, move your plugins to the same order values you just set up.

I haven't run 26+ plugins since ToD but you can use punctuation keys also (!@#$%)


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
I find it easier I f I simply leve the Value filed empty then I can manually set the order.

Usually it only 1 or maybe 2 pluggins fighting that cuase the poblems, liek for me the last time it was Alinco and SSSOrt


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
Plugins that use the .NET adapter, like SSSort and Alinco, can't be moved.

Also, if you install one plugin you need to drag to reorder the plugins in decal before installing another plugin (can just move a plugin then move it back), or it'll start to act wierd like you've experienced.

These are all bugs in Decal and hopefully will be fixed... some time.


[LotRO] Digero (Guardian), Digrim (Burglar), Dignite (LM), Azrea (Hunter) - Landroval
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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
Plugins that use the .NET adapter, like SSSort and Alinco, can't be moved (bug in Decal).

Actually, the .NET adapter based plugins can be moved, but it's a pain in the butt.

Here's what you have to do, using Alinco as an example:

1. Click on Alinco and move it in the list to where you want it. At this point, as soon as you release the mouse button, Alinco will move back to its original position.

2. Shut down Decal.

3. Open Decal again.

4. When you look at the Decal list you will see that it is now at the position in the list that you chose back in step 1.

This has to be done individually for each .NET adaptor based plugin, which means you'll be opening and shutting down Decal multiple times before you get your plugins positioned in the order you want them in.

One of the side effects of this bug affecting net base plugins that I've noticed is that quite often there will be one or more non-net based plugins "above" the net based plugins that also have to be moved using steps 1-4. Others can be moved just fine. I don't have a clue why this is so.

Overall, I find it much simpler to occasionally edit the register settings for all the plugins. I start at the top of the register list and change the setting to "a" and so on. Doing this cuts down on how often you have to do steps 1-4 above.

This bug has always been a very minor annoyance for me. I happen to like having my plugins show up in the Decal bar in a specific order, and I was sort of hoping it'd be fixed in the post ToD Decal. It's only a very minor annoyance though, so while it'd be nice if it was fixed, it's no big deal if it isn't.


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
tag for adapter sorting


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?

i dont think ive ever run more then 8....


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Subject: How the HECK do you reorder the decal bar?
Pre-ToD I used to run over 62 plugins. I only know this because I used more plugins then there are available letters (using both lower case and upper case). Coasty's walkthrough is very accurate, but you want to be very carefull if you've never edited your registry before, since you can severly damage your system. If you follow those steps to the letter though, you shouldn't have a problem.

I personally prefer my plugins show up in alphabetical order since I use so many. It makes it easier for me to find them.


I can't remember what all symbols work (as Chazcon posted above) but I'm sure someone here knows which ones do. !@#$%^&*()_+ etc etc

Then again, I doubt anyone's using over 62 plugins anymore... I know I'm slowly working my way back up happy


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