Author Topic: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
You can now enable IDInfo on the uber tab and get info on items you ID.

[Tings] [Slash Render ] Ivory Slashing Baton(7) SB [3] Tink(1) MeD(13) Mc(8) Wield War Magic(310) Activation Rank(10) Lore(43) Gharu Value(14373) BU(50) Spells 2(VIs) 1(VIIs) Whirling Blade VI,Mystic's Blessing,Life Magic Mastery Self VI

[Tings] (Caster) [Cold Render ] Green Garnet Frost Sceptre(4) CB [5] Tink(1) MeD(9) Mc(6) Wield War Magic(310) Value(4400) BU(50)

[Tings] Silver Covenant Breastplate(7) AL(460) Wield Magic Defense(280) Activation Skill Missile Defense(183) Lore(90) Aluvian Value(13276) BU(1219) Spells 3(VIs) Impenetrability VI,Bludgeon Bane VI,Strength Self VI

[Tings] (Spells) Refulgent Bracelet Wield Axe(35) Activation Lore(150) Value(6000) BU(40) Spells 3(VIIs) Ardence,Vim,Volition

[Tings] (Major)(Spells) Gold Alduressa Gauntlets(10) AL(450) Activation Lore(285) Value(8123) BU(776) Major Focus Spells 5(VIIs) Major Focus,Olthoi's Bane,Brogard's Defiance,Olthoi's Bane,Brogard's Defiance

btw SB[3] is short hand for Slash Bonus of 3

Download at


Chef ( think robochef,tinkit)
Lotsa Formulas and will tell u max u can make.
Will also tell u what item u ran out of.
Will list items used for a given formula.
Will list formulas needed to make an item.
Can Queue up multiple items to make.

Huds ( ok only RunTo is working atm)
Direction Arrow IG to point to your destination.
Just type in '/RunTo 23.3N 34.4E' to see it and
'/RunTo' to clear it.

Uber ( provides addional info about item u id.)

Stack items
Sort Salvage

Simplistic Friends utility to help migrate to Friends Panel.




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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Heh the only thing keeping me from using this is the author's lack of English language skills,

Anyone who uses 'u' for 'you' in any official or professional capacity gets two thumbs down from me.


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Ru tells you, "CHAZ!"
Simply Red tells you, "I am SO not recovering your body!"
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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Looks neat, but any chance of getting the item ID feature in a seperate plugin? Most of the things your plugin provides are eaither redudent for me or I just dont want. Now a BS/2 type ID plugin by itself I would love to see.


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Title: AC Vault Staff
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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
to be honest, spelling or no spelling, the plugin works great for what i need. happy


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I'm still considering this as an option to do later down the road.
At the moment it does not really hurt (memory/speed wise) to have them in one plugin.

What are your concerns with regard to the other abilities being in same plugin?


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Lets see “U" is IRC shorthand. Which is known to target audience. A primary
thing to keep in mind when creating a document is to use words said target audience
can comprehend.

heh :
half laugh, semi-cynical connotation, used on IRC by those too cool to say lol or roflmao

/e Smacks head goes Ohhhhh boy!!!
/e ponders kettle and pots.

Flipo’s Rule 101: If they attack your grammar or spelling on VN then they lose the debate.

Flipo’s Rule 102: Don’t react/respond to trolls and people who lose in rule 101.

Ok… did I mention I break me own little rules every now and then.
One out of two ain’t bad.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I don't know anything Tings personally, but on a professional level, I agree that you should leave out as much slang/jargon/gramatical problems as possible. Don't use words like "U" when what you mean is "you". Same goes for other commonly abbreviated words like "R" instead of "are". Also.. you probably shouldn't use "lol" or "rofl" or anything else in a professional capacity.

Does that mean you can't ever use those? No. But when trying to present yourself in a professional manner, if you want people to take you seriously, then you probably shouldn't. Also.. in some people's opinions, using "u" and "r" at all would be bad... professional or not.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I agree with you Drake,but "Professional" does not apply to my hobby and work of love.
[ insert mental picture of Flipo wearing tie...nahhhhh]

I run in AC Flipo personality mode pretty much anytime I do anything connected with AC. This means I will
use IG jargon and drop in some of Flipo's whimsical childish behaviors. It is a game of fun to me and I plan on keeping it that way.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
If you don't want people to take you seriously, that's up to you..

I'm just saying if you ever start to wonder why, reflect on this.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
" "Professional" does not apply to my hobby and work of love. "


I sincerely hope that people writing these wonderful plugins don't consider themselves professional just because they wrote these plugins... Of course, they could indeed be professional who on their WORK time do professional work but...

But saying that you should act "professionally" with regards to in game items/issues, including plugins to said games...


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
mrFlipo posted:
I'm still considering this as an option to do later down the road.
At the moment it does not really hurt (memory/speed wise) to have them in one plugin.

What are your concerns with regard to the other abilities being in same plugin?

I dislike it more from personal preference than anything. My computer is powerful enough to likely run most every current plugin around without lagging much. I just don’t like clutter. I only need a cooking plugin when I have my cook logged in and ready to make me something and the friends migration is something that you really only need once. So it just creates extra clutter. I also like the freedom of choice that I feel with having separate features in separate plugins. For example, if I have 2 plugins both with a critter hud and a path finder in them and I prefer the hud in one plugin but the path finder in another I’m stuck with a hard choice. I can either chose one of the plugins and get the half a section which isn’t suited as well to my personal tastes as the other, or I run both plugins and feel like I’m wasting resources and screen space by running redundant plugins (which joins up with my dislike of clutter:P).

Not really any serious concerns, just the way that I like to run my computer. It’s the same reason I disable windows services that I don’t need even though I’ll never notice any performance difference if they are enabled or not. I’m sure you have put a good amount of work into your plugin, and I’m also sure its much more than I am able to do:P So don’t think I’m saying what your plugin does isn’t good. Just would be nice to pick and choose the parts that I want to use constantly.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Thanks for the excellent feedback.

Collision of features between plugins should not be an issue with Tings.
I have provided options to disable features. Tings should
play well with other Plugins. So if another plugin
is providing ID info then Tings can be disabled so as not to
redundantly perform the same task. I cannot of course make another
plugin not use a feature in conflict with Tings but at least Tings
can have its feature turned off.

Friends happy
I still use it. I have plans for it. Just trying to get time from r/l to get it done.

"wasting resources and screen space " is an issue.
Tings should be able to sit in the Decal bar and only be opened when you
actively need something from it. So screen space should not be an active
concern at this time. Course maybe your concern is more about Screen space
when Plugin is up. If i keep adding options then clutter factor will become an issue with me. happy

Resources issues are minimized in Tings. Example is Chef. Chef uses
memory and resources only if its enabled.

drats... gotta run r/l work....

Again thanks for feedback.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Excellent plugin thanks much!! OBTW use what verbage you like lol !!



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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
As long as the plugin work wtf cares what kind of language/grammer you use.....I certainly don' rofl heh 0.o


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I have to admit I agree with Drakier when it comes to documentation for programs.

Many of the commonly used short cuts for words tend to make for laborious reading of whatever is being said, as they're not what you expect to see (plus, it's just bad grammar which always seems to bug me). Along with that, many of the short cuts used for phrases are NOT commonly understood, at least not by me anyway, which makes it pain to read the document. Other than very common ones like IMO, PITA, or ROFL, most of the lengthier ones I see (like the one that seems to be an expansion of ROFL) I have no clue to what they actually expand out to.

It doesn't bother me in casual posts, but documentation should be grammatically correct and to the point, to eliminate as much as possible any mis-interpretation of the subject matter. Written documentation needs the same care and thought as taken in writing the actual program, no matter how small it is. Besides, precise and gramatically correct documentation is ultimately a time saver for the author, as you'll have a whole lot fewer "dumb" questions to answer about how to use your program.

For me, this viewpoint comes from 21+ years as a Radioman in the Coast Guard, proofreading documents and writing documentation/programs, an environment where precise and accurate grammar is absolutely mandatory.

This isn't the same environment, I know, but old habits are REALLY hard to break. laugh


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Nice post.

"This isn't the same environment, I know, but old habits are REALLY hard to break"
oh so true.

Best part was the phrase that was running in my head while reading it.
"Finger nails running down a chalk board."

This is probably the impact it has on a few people who have had the curse/blessing of writing skills drummed into their collective hides.

I may up the level a notch, based on the ahhh chalk board issue. happy

I am cognizant of the issues but choose to set the levels based on my insights of what is needed and practical. This of course means a few will take me to task on my choices.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
All I can say is thanks for a great plugin mrFlipo!!!

Only slang that bothers me is "ne 1" talk_hand


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
"Anyone who uses 'u' for 'you' in any official or professional capacity gets two thumbs down from me"

I didn't know this was mrFlipos profession, thought it was just a game/hobby/pastime like it is for me. Has he declared himself the "official" anything that I missed, like Official voice of Tings?

He goes to the trouble to make a nice plugin and make it accessible to all and y'all want to turn your nose up cause you don't like his choice of words/slang/jargon/etc.

Ones that get two thumbs down from me are the ones who have their nose so high all they can do is look down it for reasons to criticize others.

Anything he posted your having trouble understanding I'm sure he or others would be more then happy to explain.

Y'all take care now. I normally don't include the apostrophe but figure I better this time. happy


PS: Please be sure to let me know any faux pas I have committed.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
The guy is doing this on his own time, it's his "hobby", cut the man some slack. He can do whatever he wants during his "downtime", or what I call relax time because you can only be "professional" for so long each and everyday while at work.

I'm one of those guys who's very professional at work, but when I get home at night, everything goes. Anyways, don't use the plug-in if you don't want to, if documentation bugs you too much. Some plugins don't even have documentation for crying out loud. Whether we like it or not (I personally don't like some of the abbrevs people use in the game), people will continue to use it. Heck my boss uses "ur" and "ru" all the time on IM, it's crazy. But it's really something people should just get used when it comes to hobby time. Oh and the main reason my boss does it is because he shorten things up to text message from far away on his cell, so he learned to use it out of necessity. He's not an idiot nor an uneducated man.

Anyways, keep on having fun, it's a game, a hobby, not some job interview.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
not to turn this into a huge debate, but if you don't think your online life affects your real life, you're wrong.

There was a report done a while ago about companies who research their interview candidates online before hiring them. They go to common sites like MySpace and FaceBook and see what kind of "personal" life their candidates lead.

While some people might not agree with this practice, more and more companies are starting to do this. Companies are starting to hire HR employees who's sole job is to research individuals online.

One of the stories in the report was about an interview candidate who had a stellar interview, and was getting ready to be offered a very high-paying job with a company... that was until the company found his MySpace profile and saw the pictures, activities, and the language the person used in his "personal" life. The company chose not to hire him because they didn't like the way he conducted his personal life.

All I'm saying is.. when people start using "u" in place of "you", a lot of people will think less of your intelligence. If that doesn't bother you, then that's fine... If you care how people view you, and you care about your online reputation, then I'd consider not doing that.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
"If you judge a book by its cover then you probably missed alot of good books."
Flipo Circa 1981

It is possible that someone online activities can impact real life. Is this a classic example of elevating a premise to a height where one can then attack it? We where talking about using 'u' on a Game board where 99.9% of the ppl know what it means.

This so reminds me of ppl suffering because ppl abbreviate IG.( Funny thing is it was over You vs U.)
Fact it is part of the culture.

“Ain't” was not in the dictionary for a long time. Current fad/culture of IM will push a few new ones into the dictionary. Ask any current English teacher. It is showing up in inter office memo's. It shows up in international inter office emails. I will leave it to the historians to let me know if it was good thing or bad thing.

Intelligence is NOT determined by the "proper" or "improper" use of the English language.
The contents are the only thing that could/should be used for a cursory measure. The biggest life lesson is that while measuring a writer’s pseudo intelligence one should reflect that it also measures the readers.

Gee, now it sounds like I'm pro 'U' usage. Actually I can care less. If tomorrow
I had to write something for ppl who had no clue what "U" meant I sure would use "you".


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I like mrFlipo.

And his plugins. wink


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
This is probably one of the better topic threads I've wasted my time reading. Keep having fun Flipo applause because it's just pissin' the grammar police off!


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
As a professional Grammar Policeman and probably the only real English speaker amongst the lot of you, I can forgive MrFlipo any misdemeanour.

He made an excellent plug-in and he is quick to make alterations when requested. It may take me a little longer to understand what he is saying, but then, that is true of most of this board. It's something I have learnt to live with.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
<< Intelligence is NOT determined by the "proper" or "improper" use of the English language. >>

To keep this thread totally off-topic (nice work on your plugin).

Intelligence is a relative thing, and that includes your preceived intelligent. Like it or not, perceptions form reality. And as Drakier pointed out, more and more companies will judge you based on this perception.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Hmm Drakier, what company was that?

I won't be looking for a new job anytime soon, but I wanna make sure to avoid it grin

Any company that judges your job performance based on how you lead your personal life got issues (and depending on to what extent they do it, might have issues with the law as well). As long as what you do outside of work does not affect your job, it shouldnt matter.

I'm curious if Drak actually thinks he's a "professional" just because he writes progs for AC happy

/e wonder if Flipo has Tings on his resume grin

And it's "Misdemeanor" mr "only real English speaker" happy


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Misdemeanor? I believe you are speaking American, not English. The correct English spelling is, of course, misdemeanour.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)

I figured something like that after I posted tongue

u english ppl with your 'U's tongue


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Egads... we back talking about U's again...
How did that happen..



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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Bn_Kleenex: I don't remember the companies exactly.. they profiled a few different companies..

the report was on companies in general leaning toward online research for "background checks" on interview candidates.

It was on Dateline, or Primetime or one of those news shows.

As for "Professional" I've been a "Professional" for over 10 years. I've been doing different types of Web and Applications development for a LONG time. (I'm not old enough to have the experience of other people yet however, but I'm far above the curve for my age).

I consider AC development a "side project" and don't actually really consider that professional development, but I do think that professionalism should play into many aspects of real and online life.

I don't want my actions online to affect my job prospects in the future. I'm cognizant of the possibilities and the consequences.


From the companies perspective, I would probably like to research my candidates as well.. I would not want to hire someone who makes it a point to talk about how trashed they get every night, their illegal drug use, and how they like to break many laws for fun. Same if they use very profane language constantly throughout their profiles and messages. I don't feel that type of individual would have a place at my company. A lot of how a person leads their personal life ties directly into their performance at work.

I would only want to hire individuals I felt were trusthworthy, legal, and generally have a good work ethic and an outlook in the company similar to my own.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
"Bn_Kleenex: I don't remember the companies exactly.. they profiled a few different companies..

the report was on companies in general leaning toward online research for "background checks" on interview candidates.

It was on Dateline, or Primetime or one of those news shows.

Hehehe you might want to check out WHY they got to those shows grin Especially Dateline, which more often than not, do NOT show companies that are "good".

From the companies perspective, I would probably like to research my candidates as well.. I would not want to hire someone who makes it a point to talk about how trashed they get every night, their illegal drug use, and how they like to break many laws for fun. Same if they use very profane language constantly throughout their profiles and messages. I don't feel that type of individual would have a place at my company. A lot of how a person leads their personal life ties directly into their performance at work. "

That's a BIG jump from using "u" instead of "you" happy

Even not taking into account any illegal activities (anywhere from illegal drugs, theft, assault, etc) as they are more often than not grounds for not only non acceptance of an application, but also of termination, the rest of what you pointed as example should not have any basis on a decision to hire someone, as long as they do not affect job performance.

Hell, my first out of college job was in an accounting firm - suit and tie kind of place. Very very professional. But gawd, when tax season over, last one to get drunk didnt try hard enough :P Play hard, work hard, was their motto.


Jean Carlo - Mage........... Jane Carlo - Xbow
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Lingie Bunny

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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Getting back on topic:

For the next release, might I suggest that you correct the typo in the IDs for imbued items:

[Tings] [Slash Render ] Ivory Slashing Baton(7) SB [3]

The correct term is Rend, not "render".

And I'm wondering if you have any plans to put this into an .msi installation package, rather than having folks unzip into a folder and use the "Add" button in DenAgent. This seems to be causing some problems/confusion for non-computer-savvy individuals.


rose Ling Mei - Veteran Swordswoman
rose Lingie - Abu's Health-Addicted Support Mage
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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Always open to nicely worded suggestions such as yours. ( hehe u'rs ).

"Rend vs Render" honestly not thought about that.
Rending is the way its worded IG( ie "Slash Rending").
So Rend is correct.

Ok I just change it to Rend. ty.

Installer I may do. Time and finding what I have to generate one is issue atm.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I agree with Drakier to some extent, in that an on line search to give some insight into the personality of a potential employee can be very useful. Who wants to end up throwing away hard cash and going through employment litigation because you made a mistake employing an idiot, leaving aside the potential damage to your business.

BTW, the English language is constantly evolving and we shouldn't get too pedantic about it but slang has its place as long as your audience can understand it. In my case, I very often don't. sad


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Egads... we back talking about U's again...
How did that happen..


Not guilty this time...

I'll swear to that on a stack of bibles. wink


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
mrFlipo posted:
Rending is the way its worded IG( ie "Slash Rending")

Rend or Rending, both would be correct in the context, I believe. Personal preference I guess, I was just thinking to save you time, and to free up chat characters, Rend would be shorter happy


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Yup shorter is important as long as it does not get to cryptic.
I had considered CR,BR,..,LR but thought it should have more letters since
most toons are making a living ( err leveling) from them. happy


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Bn_Kleenex: The point wasn't whether you agree with it or not.. the point was that companies do it, and that you can no longer really "hide" on the internet. The main point was that online persona and actions now have real life consequences.

That's why I attempt to maintain a sense of professionalism as much as possible online and offline. You never know when something stupid you post or say could come back and haunt you.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Amazing how off topic Drakier's posts are.

Stick to the subject of the plugin here.


I really do appreciate your hard work your putting into this. It's a great plugin.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I didn't start the "off-topic" posts.. I just commented on them.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I couldn't care less if you use U or you...

I would like the ID string to be alittle closer to what we were used to with BS/2 or even more like what etank and LTX is now though...

Like instead of..
Tings] [Slash Render ] Ivory Slashing Baton(7) SB [3] Tink(1) MeD(13) Mc(8) Wield War Magic(310) Activation Rank(10) Lore(43) Gharu Value(14373) BU(50) Spells 2(VIs) 1(VIIs) Whirling Blade VI,Mystic's Blessing,Life Magic Mastery Self VI

more like...

BS/2: Osseous Mace, 8-16 +6m/+4a, Cold Protection VI, Armor V, Blood Thirst, Diff. 0, Mace 260+ to activate, Value 6,000, 400BU


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
New version out.

It is now installed via a MSI installer.

Critter Hud will show basic vulns on critters.
( This is icon(s) over the critter that has been vulned.)

Item names are in Green now. If you click on the item name it
will select the item. ( Think open corpse see Red ID info click on green name to find fast.
Course Auto loot is better.)

I may move name to beginning of line but for now let us see how green goes first.


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Could the armor protection levels be displayed in percentage format as well? Especially for covenant. Seeing 1.0/1.4/1.2/.4/.6/.6/1.4 enables me to do some quick math to determine whether the piece would be useful. Thanks!


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Now to get back on topic. English:

Loke who that is most vertuous alway,
Prive and apert, and most entendeth ay
To do the gentil dedes that he can,
And take him for the gretest gentilman.
Canterbury Tales. The Wif of Bathes Tale. Line 6695.

I guess we should all me talking like this.

Flipo, Great work. Makes Fletching much easier for those deadlies. Please keep up the good work.

U are a life saver happy


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
Should be able to do that. Kinda swamped at the moment.
Nag me about it if u don't see it pop out with that feature in next 30days.

luved yur post and your welcome( or is that yw. lol ).


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Subject: Tings for Alpha 7 ( Chef,Inventory,IG Direction Arrow, bs/2 style of item iding)
I like the plugin and asked for a tweak without reading this full thread.

LMAO, Have some of you folks read mrFlipo's comments? I think he has full command of English. LOL!

It's a game and it's a game enhancer (program or not)... it's a work of <3 and not a job... therefore he can do what he will. I am a software developer; though I would not use shortcuts at work, who knows what I would use here happy


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