Author Topic: GoArrow AccessViolation errors
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Subject: GoArrow AccessViolation errors
I'm getting a bunch of these if I've been dual log and switching chars muling.
I get booted at client login, then I get a runtime error in "c:\program fi..." (actual error) when I try to re-enter.
If I wait a minute and try again I get in.
Sometimes I get booted while 2 clients are logged in and I'm just switching back and forth.

===[ 6/19/2006 7:34:02 PM - GoArrow v1.1.0.1 ]========================
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at Decal.Interop.Core.ACHooksClass.get_Landcell()
at Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.HooksWrapper.get_Landcell()
at GoArrow.PluginCore.get_PlayerCoords() in PluginCore.cs:line 1000
at GoArrow.PluginCore.ShowDetails(Location loc, Boolean switchTabs) in PluginCore.MainView.cs:line 883
at GoArrow.PluginCore.InitMainViewAfterSettings() in PluginCore.MainView.cs:line 585
at GoArrow.PluginCore.CharacterFilter_Login(Object sender, LoginEventArgs e) in PluginCore.cs:line 181

export on request.


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