Author Topic: Platz! 1.0
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Subject: Platz! 1.0
I just wrote a plugin called Platz! 1.0 It sells your mmds and buys plats. Its still a little mess tho but i will work on it. You have to download AC Tool which you can get here: After you download that turn on AC Tool then copy and paste the script below. Have fun! Read everything with the // Platz! 1.0:

//This is the program you have been waiting for! Its the MMD to pea seller!
// Read this entire thing for it to work! Have your chat window all the way
// open. Be sure to go to a master mage. Open the window with the Archmage.
// Have your main pack mostly empty. You will need room for pyreal. Put
// your MMDs in the first slot of your first pack and have that pack open.
// This sells 2 MMDs at a time and buys 11 plats. You will have to stack the
// of 11 yourself till i fix it and you will have some left of pyreal.
// This line is necessary to select the proper window
SetActiveWindow Asheron's Call
// NOTE: this is made to go though 100 mmds!
Delay 5000
Loop 50
MousePos 747, 418
Delay 500
MousePos 827, 718
Keys 2
Delay 500
MousePos 750, 406
DragTo 472, 360
MousePos 683, 367
Delay 1000

// buys plats
MousePos 48, 314
Delay 500
MousePos 60, 334
Delay 500
MousePos 62, 434
Delay 500
MousePos 212, 369
Delay 500
MousePos 831, 717
Delay 500
Keys 11
MousePos 692, 335


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
1) this isn't a plugin.. it's an ACTool Script

2) I don't know if using EXACT mouse coordinates are a good idea considering screen resolution changes where things get clicked on

3) It doesn't seem exactly safe to just assume things are going to be in the right place.

4) shouldn't this be in the ACTool forums?

don't take my post the wrong way.. I don't mean to criticize.. just pointing out things and inquiring about other things.

I don't want to stiffle innovation or creative thinking.. it's a good idea.. just needs work I think.. and needs to be discussed in a place where other ACTool script developers can talk with you about the good/bad ways to do things like this in ACTool.

(you'll get a lot better response and support there)


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
Drakier posted:
1) this isn't a plugin.. it's an ACTool Script

4) shouldn't this be in the ACTool forums?

(you'll get a lot better response and support there)

The name of this forum is called AC Utilities, not the AC Decal Plugins and Dual Client Forum.

I don't see why it doesn't belong here. Other than that, I see no problems with your reply.


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
kk thanks will work on it


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
It's not that it doesn't "belong" here because technically anything ACUtility oriented belongs here..

the difference is, there are LARGE forums set up specifically for the purpose of discussing and sharing ACTool macros. It has quite a large following, and quite a few really good ACTool script developers. It would seem to me that the place to go for ACTool Scripts would be the ACTool forum.

That is only one of the reasons.. the other reason is that many people are completely turned off by ACTool based on the negative connotations of it.. I'm not one of them because I actually think that a lot of ACTool scripts have great purpose and merit. However.. that doesn't change the fact that a lot of people really dislike ACTool.

But of course my first reason is my main reason why I would even suggest going to the ACTools forum.. it's specifically set up and designed and established for ACTool Scripters. It is THE place to go for ACTool stuff. IMO, it would make sense for people to utilize it for it's intention.

I'm not trying to tell him where to post.. I'm simply offering suggestions that will better advance where he's trying to go. If he wants to do ACTool scripts, then he should REALLY check out the ACTool forums.


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
Drakier posted:
the difference is, there are LARGE forums set up specifically for the purpose of discussing and sharing ACTool macros. It has quite a large following, and quite a few really good ACTool script developers. It would seem to me that the place to go for ACTool Scripts would be the ACTool forum.

Well, under that logic, the majority of Decal programs (Dual Client, ElTank, LifeTank, etc) shouldn't be talked about here ... because they all have their own forum.



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Subject: Platz! 1.0
its ok i planed on posting it there now i just got to learn how to convert it to C++ i got my book : C++ for Dummies hopefully i will be able to get it out as a "real" plugin soon


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
1) Dual Client is not a Decal program.

2) I'd actually agree with you in a lot of that... ELTank has it's own board, and I believe that even Elgar says that all plugin talk should be taken to his forums. Same with Decal Plugin development. If people have questions on plugin development, I encourage them to go post on the Decal forums. Even the same with ACDualClient.. if you have ACDualClient issues, PLEASE post only on the ACDualClient forums.. it makes it soooo much easier..

I think the difference is the ANNOUNCEMENT of plugins/programs/utilities. That is what this forum is really good for. Letting users know what ACUtilities have been changed, updated, released, etc. It's a single place that you can announce changes so that many users can see without having to track down each site individually. For that purpose, these boards work well..

As for the Discussion of those things, I would consider and encourage the users to post on those specific forums if they exist.

For plugin Development, might I HIGHLY suggest using a .NET based language such as C# or VB.NET. It will be considerably easier for you to learn and use, and with the new Adapter changes, it's really easy to create .NET plugins. C++ plugins however are a real pain in the... you know where. It's not easy and it's not fast.


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
Arch = Exactly right.


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
be sure to have Resolution at 1024X768 for got to say that doh!


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
Drakier said:
"I think the difference is the ANNOUNCEMENT of plugins/programs/utilities. That is what this forum is really good for. Letting users know what ACUtilities have been changed, updated, released, etc. It's a single place that you can announce changes so that many users can see without having to track down each site individually. For that purpose, these boards work well.."

I musta missed something, I woulda swore that's exactly what he was doing, announcing his script....


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
Why in GODs name would someone want to sell MMDs and buy plats?


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
I'm not sure how it works on DT but on white worlds the cheapest place to buy plats is the creepy statue dungeon where one would have to be red to purchase plats

I'm guessing one would want to purchace plats as quickly as possible while you are in there


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
Why in GODs name would someone want to sell MMDs and buy plats?

For auctions where plats are worth 1 and MMD's are worth 5. That is quite a loss in value even if you are buying your plats at one of the master mages.


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Subject: Platz! 1.0
If it wasn't assuming so many things and using absolute coords it would be a handy script. I often go and exchange 200+ MMD's to plats to keep the bots stocked.

You really need to learn more about ACtool and understand the features it has. It's a good start though. The only way to learn is to practice.


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