Author Topic: Some Decal news...
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Subject: Some Decal news...
I don't know if it's been publically mentioned before, but Greg Kusnick of Skunkworks fame has been actively working on on Decal and is now an official Elitist Asshole Decal Developer! Whether he wants to admit it or not. A lot of his sweat is in the latest release.

What does this mean to you? FRESH BLOOD! Oh...and

If that ain't sweet, nothing is.

Also, let it be officially known that the Decal Developers are NOT a snobby close minded group who won't let anyone in. All you have to do is be as good as Greg, make something REALLY kewl, and you can be an Elitist Asshole Decal Developer too.


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Subject: Some Decal news...
golly, i spent 30 years getting my Developer Title token, considerabbly less effort went into acquiring the Elitist title token and Asshole title token. just one more Decal quest and i too could be an Elitist Asshole Decal Developer!!!!

now theres a thought happy

nice work on 7 release now just a few more plugin author's release upgrades and i'm all set.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Some Decal news...
Thank you very much Decal Devs!!



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