Author Topic: How does TreeStats ranking work?
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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
Seems a dumb question and probably is, but i never understood it: when it is ranked per level, how does the rankings work? I never understood is not by alphabet, it is not by rank, it is not by does it decide who to rank higher between 2 chars with the same amount of exp ( read maxed level )?

Thanks for any info, i always been curious happy


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
err ?

are you talkin about the chars rank ingame ?

or am i misunderstanding you


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
No, i mean, when there are a lot of lvl 275 on the main page, why is the #1 one lvl 275 char and not another lvl 275 one? It's not ranked on alphabetical order, so what?


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
Probably order of being submitted to TS. It will pull in whatever order it was stored (my guess).


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
I don't think Elgarl, otherwise last submissions should be the top guys and that's not how it is.

Nice to see i am not the only one that has no clue of how it ranks the submissions grin


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
CromBenKarim posted:
I don't think Elgarl, otherwise last submissions should be the top guys and that's not how it is.

Nice to see i am not the only one that has no clue of how it ranks the submissions grin

Not exactly true.
The database most likely has a coloum in the character row for last level change date.
It uses that in a DESC order to list the characters.


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
<< I don't think Elgarl, otherwise last submissions should be the top guys and that's not how it is. >>

Or first submissions are on the top.

Or there is an ID for each character that we don't see and it is sorted on that.

Or it is random.

Only the programmer could tell us for sure.


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
Or that nerd


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
I hope Akilla will find the time to answer sometimes: it's something i always wondered happy


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
It's lowest character ID, which has the side effect of making it also the first created character.



Hazridi of WE, VT, HG, SC
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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
What do you mean by ID Haz? Is it the birth date? Lowest birth date is the highest rank?

EDIT: I just checked, it's not by age, deaths, rl age, ig age.

I still don't understand sad


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
Each character when it is created gets an ID, just like every other item AC. This is a number assigned by the servers, not the players. This is the number Treestats is sorting on if I understand Hazridi correctly.


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
Ohhh....Thanks Maddy happy


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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
Character IDs start at 0x5000001 or 0x50000000, I'm not sure which. They are sequential. If you know your character id you can subtract 0x50000000 from it and convert it to decimal and you'll know how many characters were made before you.



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Subject: How does TreeStats ranking work?
Thanks Haz, now i understood happy


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