Author Topic: Help...I can't get in game for some reason.
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Subject: Help...I can't get in game for some reason.
I got dumped from the game Saturday (3/18) and haven't been able to get back into the game since. I'm not getting anywhere with my ISP or AC tech support. They both keep steering me towards a router and/or firewall fix. I have no router. Everything AC was permited in my firewall. As I said, I was ingame and got dumped.

Here's what's happening when I try to connect, I can get to the final Connect/Update screen and after a few minutes I get this error: "Failed to establish connection to the server. Please try again in a few minutes."

I have tried opening all ports in my firewall, uninstalled my firewall, uninstalled AC and reinstalled it. The last thing I have tried was completely erasing my hard drive and reinstalling everything except a firewall. Windows firewall is disabled. My ISP say they filter no ports and made no changes (ie: changing my setup from NAT to NAPT) that weekend. Nothing has worked so far.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help in this matter!


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Subject: Help...I can't get in game for some reason.
I take it you don't have Decal, or at least it's not running?
You're getting the error on the screen with the blue vials, and it happens before either of them fills?
Even though it's unlikely to make a difference, have you tried logging onto another server?

Try opening a command prompt (start > run, type cmd) and typing ping This will ping one of the leafcull server computers. If you get "Request timed out" on all of the packets, then there's something blocking your connection to that computer. You can see where the problem is by typing tracert The last line before you start to see asterisks and "Request timed out" is the last hop before the problem.


[LotRO] Digero (Guardian), Digrim (Burglar), Dignite (LM), Azrea (Hunter) - Landroval
[AC] Digero, Lyera, Draxxe - Leafcull (Retired)
[CoH] Devil's Zealot, Scinta, Izzard - Guardian (Retired)
Digero's AC Decal Plugins:
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Subject: Help...I can't get in game for some reason.
Alright, I ran both of those commands, this stuff is above me. I get one hop only and then the time outs. The one hop showing, is that from my PC? Or is that a to location?


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