Author Topic: Is there a current plugin that will show me what mobs I've already imperiled, etc?
Title: Pika! Pika!

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Subject: Is there a current plugin that will show me what mobs I've already imperiled, etc?
Don't want anything to do it automated for me like *tank, I just want something like Exception that would provide a helpful reminder of what mobs I've already landed on.


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Subject: Is there a current plugin that will show me what mobs I've already imperiled, etc?
Target Info. I've not used it but I hear it does all that your asking for.


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Subject: Is there a current plugin that will show me what mobs I've already imperiled, etc?
Yup, Target Info. Link in sig.


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Title: Pika! Pika!

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Subject: Is there a current plugin that will show me what mobs I've already imperiled, etc?
Thanks, I don't know how I missed this one!


WoW - Dawnbringer - Horde
- Chef Tofi (BE Tankdin) - Tofino (Orc Hunter) - Tofidots (BE Lock)
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Subject: Is there a current plugin that will show me what mobs I've already imperiled, etc?
Einstein It! will show what imperils/vulns have been landed on a mob when you select it. It also has hotkeys to 'vuln next unvulned' and 'imperil next unimperiled" spells. Real handy when supporting a quest. Would even be handier if the melee's didn't kill stuff so quick wink


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Title: Pika! Pika!

Posts: 36,276
Registered: May 14, '01
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User ID: 96,367
Subject: Is there a current plugin that will show me what mobs I've already imperiled, etc?
MT_Gouru posted:
Einstein It! will show what imperils/vulns have been landed on a mob when you select it. It also has hotkeys to 'vuln next unvulned' and 'imperil next imperiled" spells. Real handy when supporting a quest. Would even be handier if the melee's didn't kill stuff so quick wink

That sounds neato too.


WoW - Dawnbringer - Horde
- Chef Tofi (BE Tankdin) - Tofino (Orc Hunter) - Tofidots (BE Lock)
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